
A food additive made from a purified extract of red seaweed, commonly used as a thickening agent.
Syn: E407, thickener, stabiliser, gelling agent, emulsifier

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  • carrageenan — or carrageenin noun Etymology: carrageen + 3 an or 1 in Date: circa 1889 a colloid extracted from various red algae (as Irish moss) and used especially as a stabilizing or thickening agent …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • carrageenan — (= carrageenin) Sulphated cell wall polysaccharide found in certain red algae. Contains repeating sulphated disaccharides of galactose and (sometimes) anhydrogalactose. It is used commercially as an emulsifier and thickener in foods, and is also… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • carrageenan — /kar euh gee neuhn/, n. a colloidal substance extracted from seaweed, chiefly used as an emulsifying and stabilizing ingredient in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Also, carrageenin. [CARRAGEEN + an suffix of chemical compounds, here… …   Universalium

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  • carrageenan — car·ra·geen·an or car·ra·geen·in .kar ə gē nən n a colloid extracted from various red algae and esp. Irish moss and used esp. as a suspending agent (as in foods) and as a clarifying agent (as for beverages) and in controlling crystal growth in… …   Medical dictionary

  • carrageenan — n. colloidal substance obtained from edible red seaweed (used in food products or industrial and pharmaceutical products as a thickening and stabilizing agent) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • carrageenan — [ˌkarə gi:nən] noun a carbohydrate extracted from carrageen and used as a thickening or emulsifying agent in food products …   English new terms dictionary

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