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  • mellifluent — ⇒MELLIFLUENT, ENTE, adj. Littéraire A. Doux comme le miel. P. métaph. Ce produit [le fric] mellifluent, sapide et polygène s évapore avec la plus grande facilité (QUENEAU, Zazie, 1959, p. 201). B. Au fig. Qui est empreint de douceur (notamment en …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • mellifluent — (adj.) c.1600, from M.Fr. mellifluent and directly from L.L. mellifluentem (nom. mellifluens), related to mellifluus (see MELLIFLUOUS (Cf. mellifluous)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Mellifluent — Mel*lif lu*ent, a. [L. mellifluens. See {Mellifluous}.] Flowing as with honey; smooth; mellifluous. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mellifluent — [mə lif′lo͞o ənt] adj. [LL mellifluens] MELLIFLUOUS mellifluence n …   English World dictionary

  • mellifluent — adjective Etymology: Late Latin mellifluent , mellifluens, from Latin mell , mel + fluent , fluens, present participle of fluere Date: 1601 mellifluous • mellifluently adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mellifluent — mellifluence, n. mellifluently, adv. /meuh lif looh euhnt/, adj. mellifluous. [1595 1605; < LL mellifluent (s. of mellifluens), equiv. to L melli (s. of mel) honey + fluent FLUENT] * * * …   Universalium

  • mellifluent — fləwənt adjective Etymology: Late Latin mellifluent , mellifluens, from Latin melli mell + fluent , fluens, present participle of fluere to flow more at fluid archaic : mellifluous …   Useful english dictionary

  • mellifluent — mel lif·lu·ent || mɪlɪflÊŠÉ™nt adj. sweet like honey, pleasant tasting, mellifluous …   English contemporary dictionary

  • mellifluent — a.; (also mellifluous) Smooth, soft, mellow, euphonious, euphonic, sweet, silver toned, sweetly flowing, dulcet, silvery …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • mellifluent — mel·lif·lu·ent …   English syllables

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