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  • joinable — join ► VERB 1) link or become linked or connected to. 2) unite to form a whole. 3) become a member or employee of. 4) (join up) become a member of the armed forces. 5) take part in (an activity). 6) come into the company of …   English terms dictionary

  • joinable — adjective see join I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • joinable — adj. can be connected, can be fastened; can be participated in, possible to enlist in …   English contemporary dictionary

  • joinable — join·able …   English syllables

  • joinable — nəbəl adjective : capable of being joined …   Useful english dictionary

  • join — joinable, adj. /joyn/, v.t. 1. to bring in contact, connect, or bring or put together: to join hands; to join pages with a staple. 2. to come into contact or union with: The brook joins the river. 3. to bring together in a particular relation or… …   Universalium

  • Organizations of The Elder Scrolls — The organizations in The Elder Scrolls series (also known as guilds or factions ) are an element of play that The Elder Scrolls games have had in common since The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. Daggerfall, along with The Elder Scrolls III:… …   Wikipedia

  • Abstract rewriting system — In mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, an abstract rewriting system (also (abstract) reduction system or abstract rewrite system; abbreviation ARS) is a formalism that captures the quintessential notion and properties of… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint Handling Rules — (CHR) is a declarative programming language extension introduced in 1991[1][2] by Thom Frühwirth. Originally designed for developing (prototypes of) constraint programming systems, CHR is increasingly used as a high level general purpose… …   Wikipedia

  • Group (computing) — In computing, the term group generally refers to a grouping of users. In principle, users may belong to none, one, or many groups (although in practice some systems place limits on this.) The primary purpose of user groups is to simplify access… …   Wikipedia

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