virtual community

virtual community
a) A group of people that primarily or initially communicates or interacts via the Internet.
b) A community that is not defined by physical boundaries but by the interests of its members.

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  • virtual community — noun A community or group of people dependent on computer communication with one another • • • Main Entry: ↑virtual …   Useful english dictionary

  • Virtual community — For other uses, see Community (disambiguation). Sociology …   Wikipedia

  • virtual community —       a group of people, who may or may not meet one another face to face, who exchange words and ideas through the mediation of computer bulletin board systems (bulletin board system) (BBSs) and other digital networks.       The first use of the …   Universalium

  • virtual community — virtualioji bendruomenė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Bendrų interesų turinti asmenų grupė, bendravimui naudojanti telekomunikacijos priemones, dažniausiai internetą. Dalyvavimas bendruomenėje nepriklauso nuo jos narių buvimo vietos.… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

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  • Virtual Community — virtuelle Gemeinschaft. 1. Begriff: V.C. verbinden Teilnehmer mit gemeinsamen Interessen (Zielgruppenorientierung), ohne dass ein räumliches Zusammentreffen stattfindet. 2. Merkmale: Mithilfe von Kommunikationsplattformen, v.a. dem Internet, ist… …   Lexikon der Economics

  • virtual community — /ˌvɜtʃuəl kəˈmjunəti/ (say .verchoohuhl kuh mjoohnuhtee) noun a community which is linked by a common interest and connected by the internet …  

  • virtual community — group of people who share a common interest and correspond through the Internet and see themselves as a definite group …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Professional virtual community — A Professional Virtual Community (PVC) represents the combination of the concepts of virtual community and professional community. Virtual communities are defined as social systems of networks of individuals, who use computer technologies to… …   Wikipedia

  • The Virtual Community — is a 1993 book about virtual communities by Howard Rheingold, a member of the early network system The Well. A second edition, with a new concluding chapter was published in 2000 by MIT Press.External links*… …   Wikipedia

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