
Not defended or not able to be defended.
See Also: unassailable

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  • Assailable — As*sail a*ble, a. Capable of being assailed. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • assailable — I adjective accessible, attacked, beatable, censurable, conquerable, criticized, defenseless, exposed, impugnable, indefensible, open to attack, penetrable, pregnable, ridiculed, scorned, sensible, surmountable, vincible, vulnerable, weak II… …   Law dictionary

  • assailable — adjective see assail …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • assailable — See assail. * * * …   Universalium

  • assailable — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. vulnerable, defenseless, exposed; see weak 5 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Open to attack and capture because of a lack of protection: attackable, pregnable, vincible, vulnerable. See STRONG …   English dictionary for students

  • assailable — as sail·a·ble || lÉ™bl adj. vulnerable, unprotected, sensitive, weak …   English contemporary dictionary

  • assailable — a. Open to attack, censurable, not impregnable, sensitive …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • assailable — adj attackable, assaultable, impugnable; vulnerable, weak, unsound, open to attack, lame; unsupportable, defenseless, unprotected …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • assailable — as·sail·a·ble …   English syllables

  • assailable — adjective not defended or capable of being defended an open city open to attack • Syn: ↑undefendable, ↑undefended, ↑open • Similar to: ↑vulnerable …   Useful english dictionary

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