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  • Overfitting — Noisy (roughly linear) data is fitted to both linear and polynomial functions. Although the polynomial function passes through each data point, and the linear function through few, the linear version is a better fit. If the regression curves were …   Wikipedia

  • Overfitting — blau: Fehler bzgl. Trainingsdatensätzen rot: Fehler bzgl. Testdatensätzen Wenn der Fehler bzgl. der Testdatensätze steigt, während der Fehler bzgl. der Trainingsdatensätze stetig fällt, dann befindet man sich möglicherweise in einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Overfitting — A modeling error which occurs when a function is too closely fit to a limited set of data points. Overfitting the model generally takes the form of making an overly complex model to explain idiosyncrasies in the data under study. In reality, the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Overfitting — Surapprentissage Surapprentissage dans un apprentissage supervisé. En rouge, l erreur sur l ensemble de validation. En bleu, l erreur d apprentissage. Si l erreur de validation augmente alors que l erreur d apprentissage continue à diminuer alors …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Overfitting (machine learning) — For the statistical concept see OverfittingThe concept of overfitting is important in machine learning. Usually a learning algorithm is trained using some set of training examples, i.e. exemplary situations for which the desired output is known.… …   Wikipedia

  • Überanpassung — blau: Fehler bzgl. Trainingsdatensätzen rot: Fehler bzgl. Testdatensätzen Wenn der Fehler bzgl. der Testdatensätze steigt, während der Fehler bzgl. der Trainingsdatensätze stetig fällt, dann befindet man sich möglicherweise in einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Slope One — Este artículo está huérfano, pues pocos o ningún artículo enlazan aquí. Por favor, introduce enlaces hacia esta página desde otros artículos relacionados …   Wikipedia Español

  • Experimental economics — is a the application of experimental methods to study economic questions. Experiments are used to test the validity of economic theories and test bed new market mechanisms. Using cash motivated subjects, economic experiments create real world… …   Wikipedia

  • Regularization (mathematics) — For other uses in related fields, see Regularization (disambiguation). In mathematics and statistics, particularly in the fields of machine learning and inverse problems, regularization involves introducing additional information in order to… …   Wikipedia

  • Slope One — Collaborative filtering is a technique used by recommender systems to combine different users opinions and tastes in order to achieve personalized recommendations. There are at least two classes of collaborative filtering: user based techniques… …   Wikipedia

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