
1. noun
Any dinosaur of the order Saurischia
Characteristic of these dinosaurs

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  • saurischian — [sô ris′kē ən] n. any of an order (Saurischia) of dinosaurs with, typically, a pelvic structure similar to that of modern reptiles, including the theropods and sauropods adj. of the saurischians …   English World dictionary

  • saurischian — noun Etymology: New Latin Saurischia, ultimately from Greek sauros lizard + New Latin ischium ischium Date: circa 1889 any of an order (Saurischia) of herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaurs that have the pubis of the pelvis typically pointed… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • saurischian — /saw ris kee euhn/, n. 1. any herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur of the order Saurischia, having a three pronged pelvis resembling that of a crocodile. Cf. ornithischian. adj. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Saurischia. [1885 90; < NL… …   Universalium

  • saurischian — noun herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile • Syn: ↑saurischian dinosaur • Hypernyms: ↑dinosaur • Hyponyms: ↑sauropod, ↑sauropod dinosaur, ↑theropod, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • saurischian dinosaur — noun herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile • Syn: ↑saurischian • Hypernyms: ↑dinosaur • Hyponyms: ↑sauropod, ↑sauropod dinosaur, ↑theropod, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • saurischian — [sɔ: rɪskɪən, rɪʃɪən] noun Palaeontology a dinosaur of a group with a pelvic structure resembling that of lizards. Compare with ornithischian. Origin C19: from mod. L. Saurischia (name of an order), from Gk sauros lizard + iskhion hip joint …   English new terms dictionary

  • saurischian — saur·is·chi·an …   English syllables

  • saurischian — saur•is•chi•an [[t]sɔˈrɪs ki ən[/t]] n. 1) pal any carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur of the order Saurischia, in which the pelvic structure resembles that of lizards 2) pal belonging or pertaining to the Saurischia • Etymology: < NL… …   From formal English to slang

  • dinosaur — /duy neuh sawr /, n. 1. any chiefly terrestrial, herbivorous or carnivorous reptile of the extinct orders Saurischia and Ornithischia, from the Mesozoic Era, certain species of which are the largest known land animals. 2. something that is… …   Universalium

  • Herrerasaurus — Taxobox name = Herrerasaurus fossil range = Late Triassic image width = 250px image caption = Mounted Herrerasaurus skeleton, at the Field Museum in Chicago regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = Dinosauria ordo =… …   Wikipedia

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