oyster mushroom

oyster mushroom
A common mushroom prized for its edibility and lack of confusing look-alikes.

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  • oyster mushroom — n. any of various fan shaped mushrooms having gills, esp. an edible one (Pleurotus ostreatus) with a short, pale colored stem, that grows on tree trunks * * * …   Universalium

  • oyster mushroom — n. any of various fan shaped mushrooms having gills, esp. an edible one (Pleurotus ostreatus) with a short, pale colored stem, that grows on tree trunks …   English World dictionary

  • Oyster mushroom — Taxobox name = Oyster mushroom status = secure | image width = 200px image caption = Fruiting body of the Oyster mushroom in the Havré wood Belgium. regnum = Fungi phylum = Basidiomycota classis = Agaricomycetes ordo = Agaricales familia =… …   Wikipedia

  • oyster mushroom — noun edible agaric with a soft greyish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood • Syn: ↑oyster fungus, ↑oyster agaric, ↑Pleurotus ostreatus • Hypernyms: ↑agaric • Member Holonyms: ↑Pleurotus, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • oyster mushroom — /ˈɔɪstə mʌʃrum/ (say oystuh mushroohm) noun a type of edible mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, found on living or dead wood, whose shape and collective appearance is reminiscent of the oyster …  

  • oyster mushroom. — See oyster cap. [1870 75] * * * …   Universalium

  • oyster mushroom — noun an edible fungus with a greyish brown oyster shaped cap and a very short or absent stem. [Pleurotus ostreatus.] …   English new terms dictionary

  • oyster mushroom. — See oyster cap. [1870 75] …   Useful english dictionary

  • oyster mushroom — noun Date: 1875 an edible mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) that grows especially on deciduous trees and deadwood …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • oyster mushroom — coo oys′ter mush room n. an edible, brownish gray to white mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, that grows in clusters on fallen trees or their stumps • Etymology: 1870–75 …   From formal English to slang

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