
Negating, denying, or casting doubt on the applicability of its modificand.

The newspaper never called him "the murderer", always "the murderer", but the alienans adjective didnt help very much: the word "murderer" is all people saw.

2. noun
An alienans adjective.

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  • alienans — An adjective that appears to be qualifying a subsequent description, but in fact functions to deny or leave open the question of whether the description applies: a fake parrot, an alleged criminal, a near victory …   Philosophy dictionary

  • attributive — An attributive adjective is one that logically qualifies a subsequent adjective, and cannot be separated from it. Thus something may be a large mouse and a small mammal (i.e. large for a mouse, small for a mammal). If the qualified adjective is… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • putative — A putative F is something on trial for qualification as an F. The qualification is thus an alienans . A putative proof is an attempted proof, and may not be a proof …   Philosophy dictionary

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