
  • 101globe — n 1.Usu. the globe the planet earth, the world, terrene, terra, the whole world, the universe. 2. planet, moon, star, heavenly or celestial body, orb. 3. terrestrial globe, celestial globe; map of the world. 4. sphere, ball, orb, round, globoid;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 102mortality — n 1. mortalness, temporalness, temporality; impermanence, transientness, transitoriness, temporariness; ephemeralness, fugaciousness, fugaci ty; evanescence, momentariness, perishability, caducity, volatility, volatileness; humanness,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 103mundane — adj 1. worldly, earthly, terrestrial, terrene, subcelestial, subastral, sublunary; secular, temporal, material, physical, corporeal, bodily, fleshly, carnal, sensual. 2. common, ordinary, everyday, usual, prosaic, household; routine, customary,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 104planetary — adj 1. wandering, traveling, moving, journeying, roaming, rambling, roving, ranging; erratic, unfixed, unanchored, unsettled, restless, shifting, straying, wayward; vagrant, bohemian, gypsyish, gyp seian, nomadic, migratory, transient, vagabond,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 105temporal — adj 1. secular, nonspiritual, profane, nonreligious, secularistic, mundane; lay, laical, non clerical, nonecclesiastic, nonchurch; material, carnal, mortal; earthly, worldly, of this world, terrene, terrestrial, telluric, sublunar, sublunary. 2.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 106terrestrial — adj 1. earthly, terrene, tellurian, telluric, Archaic. earthy; earthbound, sublunary, subas tral, Bot., Zool. geophilous; Class. Myth. chthonic or chthonian. 2. mundane, worldly, temporal, subcelestial; secular, profane …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 107world — n 1. earth, globe, sphere, planet, biosphere, terrene, terra, Fr. terre. four corners of the earth, Fr. monde. 2. mankind, humanity, humankind, the human race, the race of man; people, all the peoples of the world, the whole world, the wide world …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 108worldly — adj 1. earthly, terrestrial, terrene, temporal, mundane; natural, human, carnal, fleshly, corporeal, physical, material; secular, secularistic, nonspiritual, unspiritual, ungodly, profane, non religious, unreligious, irreligious; lay, laic,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 109-ene — 1. a noun suffix used in chemistry, in names of hydrocarbons, as anthracene, benzene, naphthalene, specifically those of the olefin or ethylene series, as butylene. 2. a generalised suffix used in trademarks for substances, often implying… …

  • 110Earth — [n1] the world apple*, big blue marble*, cosmos, creation, dust*, globe, macrocosm, orb, planet, sphere, star, sublunary world, terra, terra firma, terrene, terrestrial sphere, universe, vale; concept 511 …

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