- piss and moan
Are you going to do something about it, or are you just going to piss and moan?
Wikipedia foundation.
Are you going to do something about it, or are you just going to piss and moan?
Wikipedia foundation.
piss and moan — US informal + impolite : to complain in a constant or annoying way He s always pissing and moaning about having to pay taxes. • • • Main Entry: ↑piss … Useful english dictionary
bitch — 1. noun /bɪtʃ/ a) A female dog or other canine. In particular one who has recently had puppies. My bitch just had puppies: theyre so cute! b) Term of contempt applied to a woman, conveying a judgement that she or her behavior are … Wiktionary
complain — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To express an objection] Syn. remonstrate, grumble, whine, find fault, disapprove, accuse, deplore, criticize, denounce, dissent, cavil, charge, bring charges, report adversely on, reproach, oppose, contravene, whimper, nag … English dictionary for students
Neil Campbell (musician) — Neil Campbell (born 19 May 1966) is a British musician, notable for his vast catalogue and his many collaborations. In 2005, The Wire declared that he, Richard Youngs and Matthew Bower had provided the map co ordinates for much of what passed for … Wikipedia
Geld — 1. Ach, nun fällt mi all mîn klên Geld bî. (Brandenburg.) Ein Ausruf, der häufig erfolgt, wenn jemand durch irgendeinen Umstand an etwas erinnert wird, was er hätte thun sollen, aber bisher zu thun vergessen hat. 2. All wîr1 Geld, dat et Wîf nig… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon