butterfly stroke
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butterfly stroke — n. a swimming stroke performed face down, in which both arms are thrust out at the sides at the same time, brought forward out of the water and then down through the water in a circular motion, while using an up and down leg movement * * * … Universalium
butterfly stroke — n. a swimming stroke performed face down, in which both arms are thrust out at the sides at the same time, brought forward out of the water and then down through the water in a circular motion, while using an up and down leg movement … English World dictionary
Butterfly stroke — Overhead shot of a swimmer performing the butterfly stroke. The butterfly (colloquially among swimmers known as fly) is a swimming stroke swum on the breast, with both arms moving simultaneously. The butterfly kick was developed separately, and… … Wikipedia
butterfly stroke — peteliškė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sportinio plaukimo būdas – plaukimas krūtine vienalaikiais simetriškais rankų ir kojų judesiais. Abiem rankomis kartu daromas grybšnis iš priekio atgal iki šlaunų, abiem kojomis kartu … Sporto terminų žodynas
butterfly stroke, the — butterfly ,stroke, the see BUTTERFLY 3 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
butterfly stroke — noun a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out of the water while the feet kick up and down • Syn: ↑butterfly • Hypernyms: ↑swimming stroke • Part Meronyms: ↑dolphin kick … Useful english dictionary
butterfly stroke — one of a series of motions made in swimming which resembles a butterfly in flight … English contemporary dictionary
butterfly stroke — /ˈbʌtəflaɪ stroʊk/ (say butuhfluy strohk) noun a swimming stroke made in the prone position in which both arms are lifted simultaneously out of the water and flung forward, usually done in combination with the dolphin kick …
butterfly — [but′ərflī΄] n. pl. butterflies [ME buterflie < OE buttorfleoge (see BUTTER & FLY2): in folklore, it is thought to steal milk or butter] 1. any of various families of lepidopteran insects active in the daytime, having a sucking mouthpart,… … English World dictionary
Butterfly (disambiguation) — A butterfly is a flying insect.Butterfly or butterflies may also refer to:* Butterfly (dinghy), a popular one design single handed sailboat * Butterfly (options), a combination option trade strategy * Butterfly ballot, a type of a ballot that was … Wikipedia