stack it — ˈstack it idiom (informal) to fall over or off sth, especially in a way that makes you look silly and makes other people laugh • I tried a spin on the ice and stacked it. • My heel got caught and I almost stacked it. Main entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
USS Stack (DD-406) — Career (US) … Wikipedia
Stack-oriented programming language — A stack oriented programming language is one that relies on a stack machine model for passing parameters. Several programming languages fit this description, notably Forth and PostScript, and also many Assembly languages (but on a much lower… … Wikipedia
stack — I. noun Etymology: Middle English stak, from Old Norse stakkr; akin to Russian stog stack and probably to Old English staca stake Date: 14th century 1. a large usually conical pile (as of hay, straw, or grain in the sheaf) left standing in the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
stack — n. & v. n. 1 a pile or heap, esp. in orderly arrangement. 2 a circular or rectangular pile of hay, straw, etc., or of grain in sheaf, often with a sloping thatched top, a rick. 3 colloq. a large quantity (a stack of work; has stacks of money). 4… … Useful english dictionary
Stack tree — A stack tree is a binary tree where no node other than the root has more than one non leaf child. As the elements of a binary tree have 2 children, this means that one points to the next node (and hence is a non leaf child) and one points to a… … Wikipedia
stack up — Synonyms and related words: admit of comparison, amount to, ape, appear like, approach, approximate, arrival, balance, bank, bank up, be commensurable, be comparable, be like, be redolent of, be so, be such, bear resemblance, blind landing, break … Moby Thesaurus
stack — n 1. haystack, mow, rick, shock, Scot, and North Eng. rickle, cock. 2. heap, pile, mass, accumulation, bulk, drift; hoard, store, stock, stockpile, supply; deposit, mound, bank, hillock, hill, mountain; packet, bale, bundle, load, barrow,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
stack — a pinnacle of rock standing just off a headland and formed when an arch collapses … Geography glossary
Ern Stack — is a sea stack off Yell, Shetland. The word ern means an eagle, and it is said that the Eigg, and Ern Stack in the north west of Yell, were the last known nesting site of Shetlandic Sea Eagles, which were recorded there in 1910.Penrith, James… … Wikipedia