
Resembling a window.

There was a series of windowlike slits in the castle wall.

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  • Fenes-tella — Fen es tel la, n. [L., dim. of fenestra ? window.] (Arch.) Any small windowlike opening or recess, esp. one to show the relics within an altar, or the like. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fenestra — fenestral, adj. /fi nes treuh/, n., pl. fenestrae / tree/. 1. Anat., Zool. a small opening or perforation, as in a bone, esp. between the middle and inner ear. 2. Entomol. a transparent spot in an otherwise opaque surface, as in the wings of… …   Universalium

  • pass-through — /pas throoh , pahs /, n. 1. a windowlike opening, as one for passing food or dishes between a kitchen and a dining area. 2. a place through which one passes or is obliged to pass: Motorists used the park as a pass through. The new gate will be a… …   Universalium

  • porthole — /pawrt hohl , pohrt /, n. 1. a round, windowlike opening with a hinged, watertight glass cover in the side of a vessel for admitting air and light. Cf. port4 (def. 1). 2. an opening in a wall, door, etc., as one through which to shoot. [1585 95;… …   Universalium

  • trompe l'oeil — Fr. /trddawonnp lue yeu/; Eng. /trawmp lay , loy / 1. visual deception, esp. in paintings, in which objects are rendered in extremely fine detail emphasizing the illusion of tactile and spatial qualities. 2. a painting, mural, or panel of… …   Universalium

  • vault light — a windowlike structure set in a pavement or the like to illuminate areas beneath, consisting of thick glass blocks set in a metal frame. Also called pavement light. * * * …   Universalium

  • fenestrated — Having fenestrae or windowlike openings. * * * fen·es·trat·ed fen ə .strāt əd adj having one or more openings or pores <fenestrated blood capillaries> <a fenestrated catheter> * * * fen·es·trat·ed (fenґəs trāt″əd) …   Medical dictionary

  • pass-through — pass′ through or pass′through n. 1) cvb a windowlike opening, as one for passing food or dishes between a kitchen and a dining area 2) cvb a place through which one passes or is obliged to pass • Etymology: 1950–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • porthole — port•hole [[t]ˈpɔrtˌhoʊl, ˈpoʊrt [/t]] n. 1) cvb naut. navig. a round, windowlike opening with a hinged, watertight glass cover in the side of a vessel for admitting air and light Compare port IV, 1) 2) naut. navig. cv an opening in a wall, door …   From formal English to slang

  • vault light — a windowlike structure set in a pavement or the like to illuminate areas beneath, consisting of thick glass blocks set in a metal frame. Also called pavement light …   Useful english dictionary

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