
1. noun /krɒp,kɹɑp,kɹap/
a) A plant, especially a cereal, grown to be harvested as food, livestock fodder or fuel or for any other economic purpose.

a crop of ideas

b) The natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants.

The bird gave a gulp, and I felt the stone pass along its gullet and down into its crop.

Syn: harvest, yield, hunting crop, riding crop, whip, bat, craw
See Also: crop duster, crop dusting, cropper, hunting crop, riding crop, sharecrop, sharecropper
2. verb /krɒp,kɹɑp,kɹap/
a) To remove the top end of something, especially a plant.
b) To cut (especially hair or an animals tail or ears) short.

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  • Crop — (kr[o^]p), n. [OE. crop, croppe, craw, top of a plant, harvest, AS. crop, cropp, craw, top, bunch, ear of corn; akin to D. krop craw, G. kropf, Icel. kroppr hump or bunch on the body, body; but cf. also W. cropa, croppa, crop or craw of a bird,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crop — [kräp] n. [ME croppe < OE croppa, a cluster, flower, crop of bird, hence kidney, pebble; akin to Frank * kruppa, Ger kropf, a swelling, crop of bird (basic sense “something swelling out or swollen”) < IE * gr eu b , curving out < base *… …   English World dictionary

  • crop — ► NOUN 1) a plant, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable, cultivated for food or other use. 2) an amount of a crop harvested at one time. 3) an amount of people or things appearing at one time: the current crop of politicians. 4) a very short… …   English terms dictionary

  • Crop — Crop, v. i. To yield harvest. [1913 Webster] {To crop out}. (a) (Geol.) To appear above the surface, as a seam or vein, or inclined bed, as of coal. (b) To come to light; to be manifest; to appear; as, the peculiarities of an author crop out. {To …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crop — Crop, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cropped} (kr[o^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Cropping}.] 1. To cut off the tops or tips of; to bite or pull off; to browse; to pluck; to mow; to reap. [1913 Webster] I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crop — s.n. (reg.; despre lichide, în expr.) A da în crop = a începe să se încălzească, a se încropi; a da în fiert. – Din uncrop. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 31.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  crop s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic …   Dicționar Român

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