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  • kwaai — South African Slang Origin: Afrikanerisms cool, excellent (Afrikaans: angry . Compare the US slang word phat .) …   English dialects glossary

  • kwaai — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kwaito — is a music genre that emerged in Johannesburg, South Africa in the early 1990s. It is based on house music beats, but typically at a slower tempo and containing melodic and percussive African samples which are looped, deep basslines and often… …   Wikipedia

  • David Kramer — Born June 27, 1951 Worcester, South Africa David Kramer (born June 27, 1951) is a South African singer, songwriter, playwright and director, most notable for his musicals about the Cape Coloured communities, and for his early opposition to… …   Wikipedia

  • Liewe Heksie — ( Liewe means Dear or Sweet and Heksie means little witch pronounced lee vuh heck see ) is a fictional character created in 1961 by Afrikaans children’s books author, Verna Vels. The Liewe Heksie series consisted of a number of books. It was also …   Wikipedia

  • List of South African slang words — South African slang reflects many different linguistic traditions. Afrikanerisms This list of Afrikanerisms comprises slang words and phrases influenced by Afrikaans. Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who… …   Wikipedia

  • Kwaito — ist der Name einer in den 1990er Jahren entstandenen südafrikanischen Musikszene bzw. Stilrichtung. Die Musik basiert auf verlangsamten House Beats und Akkorden, dazu kommt ein Gesang oder Sprechgesang in Zulu, Sotho, Tsotsitaal (bzw. Camtho)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • kwaito — [ kwʌɪtəʊ] noun S. African a style of popular music similar to hip hop, featuring vocals recited over an instrumental backing with strong bass lines. Origin 1990s: named after the Amakwaito, a group of 1950s gangsters, from Afrik. kwaai angry,… …   English new terms dictionary

  • kwaito — 7 [ˈkwaɪtəʊ] [ˈkwaɪtoʊ] noun uncountable a type of South African dance music, often with words that are spoken or shouted rather than sung   Word Origin: [kwaito] 1990s: na …   Useful english dictionary

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