Right of first refusal — (ROFR or RFR) is a contractual right that gives its holder the option to enter a business transaction with the owner of something, according to specified terms, before the owner is entitled to enter into that transaction with a third party. In… … Wikipedia
right of first refusal — right of first re·fus·al / ri fyü zəl/: the right to have the first opportunity to purchase property upon the owner s decision to sell at the same terms offered by a third party or at predetermined terms – called also preemptive right; Merriam… … Law dictionary
right of first refusal — The right of a person or company to purchase some thing before the offering is made to others. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * right of first refusal UK US noun [S or U] (also first refusal) LAW ► the right to accept or refuse something… … Financial and business terms
Right Of First Refusal — In general, the right of a person or company to purchase something before the offering is made available to others. For example, a football team may have the right of first refusal on a player s contract. This would mean they can make the first… … Investment dictionary
right of first refusal — Part of a business contract giving a company the first chance to produce or distribute a new product. In the publishing industry, a publisher frequently asks for the right of first refusal of an author’s next work … American business jargon
have the right of first refusal — have (the right of/to) first refusal give (someone) (the right of/to) first refusal to offer to sell someone something before you offer it to anyone else. Manfield has the right of first refusal on any surplus stock … New idioms dictionary
have the right to first refusal — have (the right of/to) first refusal give (someone) (the right of/to) first refusal to offer to sell someone something before you offer it to anyone else. Manfield has the right of first refusal on any surplus stock … New idioms dictionary
the right of first refusal — (the right of) first refusal : the right to accept or refuse something before it is offered to anyone else If we decide to sell the house, we ll give our tenants first refusal. [=we will offer to sell the house to our tenants before offering to… … Useful english dictionary
first refusal — noun The chance to buy (esp property) before it is offered to others • • • Main Entry: ↑first * * * (the right of) first refusal : the right to accept or refuse something before it is offered to anyone else If we decide to sell the house, we ll… … Useful english dictionary
first refusal — ➔ refusal * * * first refusal UK US noun [U] ► LAW RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL(Cf. ↑right of first refusal) … Financial and business terms