- selenology
- noun /sɛliːˈnɒləʤɪ/b) The scientific study of the Moon’s movements in the heavens and the kinetic influences it has upon and it receives from other astronomical bodies; compare .
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Wikipedia foundation.
Selenology — Sel e*nol o*gy, n. [Gr. selh nh the moonn + logy.] That branch of astronomy which treats of the moon. {Sel e*no*log i*cal}, a. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
selenology — [sel΄ənäl′ə jē] n. [ SELENO + LOGY] the branch of astronomy dealing with the moon in general selenological [sə lē΄nə läj′i kəl] adj. selenologist n … English World dictionary
selenology — noun Date: 1821 a branch of astronomy that deals with the moon • selenological adjective • selenologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
selenology — selenological /seuh leen l oj i keuhl/, adj. selenologist, n. /sel euh nol euh jee/, n. the branch of astronomy that deals with the nature and origin of the physical features of the moon. [1815 25; SELENO + LOGY] * * * … Universalium
selenology — study of the moon Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
selenology — sel·e nol·o·gy || ‚selɪnÉ’lÉ™dʒɪ n. branch of astronomy concerned with the study of the physical nature and origin of the moon (Astronomy) … English contemporary dictionary
selenology — [ˌsɛlɪ nɒlədʒi, ˌsi: ] noun the scientific study of the moon. Derivatives selenologist noun … English new terms dictionary
selenology — sel·e·nol·o·gy … English syllables
selenology — sel•e•nol•o•gy [[t]ˌsɛl əˈnɒl ə dʒi[/t]] n. astron. the branch of astronomy that deals with the nature and origin of the physical features of the moon • Etymology: 1815–25 se•le•no•log•i•cal səˌlin lˈɒdʒ ɪ kəl adj. sel e•nol′o•gist, n … From formal English to slang
selenology — /siləˈnɒlədʒi/ (say seeluh noluhjee) noun that branch of astronomy dealing with the moon. {seleno + logy} –selenologist, noun …