
alternative form of just

Mister Muntlehiney, said the man. Wots come on him? Is he at home?

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  • jìst — gusto …   Dizionario Materano

  • jist — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Джиста операция — (Jist) хирургическая операция иссечения мягких тканей бокового валика ногтя до кости без зашивания операционной раны; применяется при вросшем ногте …   Большой медицинский словарь

  • Джи́ста опера́ция — (Jist) хирургическая операция иссечения мягких тканей бокового валика ногтя до кости без зашивания операционной раны; применяется при вросшем ногте …   Медицинская энциклопедия

  • gist — /jist/, n. 1. the main or essential part of a matter: What was the gist of his speech? 2. the ground of a legal action. [1720 30; < AF (cest action) gist (this matter) lies, 3rd sing. pres. indic. of AF, OF gesir to lie L jacere] Syn. 1. essence …   Universalium

  • yeast — /jist / (say yeest) noun 1. a yellowish, somewhat viscid, semifluid substance consisting of the aggregated cells of certain minute fungi, which appears in saccharine liquids (fruit juices, malt worts, etc.), rising to the top as a froth (top… …  

  • yeast bun — /ˈjist bʌn/ (say yeest bun) noun Chiefly Victoria and SA a glazed or iced sweet bun, sometimes containing fruit. Also, yeast …  

  • yeast cake — /ˈjist keɪk/ (say yeest kayk) noun living yeast cells compressed with a little starch into a small cake. In dried yeast cake, yeasts are inactive; in a compressed yeast cake they are active and the product is perishable …  

  • yeast infection — /ˈjist ɪnfɛkʃən/ (say yeest infekshuhn) noun Medicine → monilia (def. 2) …  

  • yeast plant — /ˈjist plænt/ (say yeest plant) noun any of the minute, unicellular ascomycetous fungi constituting the genus Saccharomyces, and related genera …  

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