
a) Ease in learning or in doing something; proficiency

The facility she shows in playing the violin is unrivalled.

b) An installation, contrivance, or other thing which facilitates something; a place for doing something.

Transport facilities in Bangkok are not sufficient to prevent frequent traffic collapses during rush hour.

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  • facility — fa‧cil‧i‧ty [fəˈsɪlti] noun facilities PLURALFORM 1. facilities [plural] PROPERTY special buildings or equipment that have been provided for a particular use, such as sports activities, shopping or travelling: • The hotel s leisure facilities… …   Financial and business terms

  • Facility — Fa*cil i*ty (f[.a]*s[i^]l [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Facilities} (f[.a]*s[i^]l [i^]*t[i^]z). [L. facilitas, fr. facilis easy: cf. F. facilit[ e]. See {Facile}.] 1. The quality of being easily performed; freedom from difficulty; ease; as, the facility… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • facility — facility, faculty 1. Facility (from Latin facilis meaning ‘easy’) means ‘ease or ready ability to do something, aptitude’: • Firstborn children have greater verbal facility, and there is evidence that they have more successful relationships with… …   Modern English usage

  • facility — I (easiness) noun ability, adeptness, adroitness, capability, competence, deftness, dexterity, ease, effortlessness, expertise, expertness, facilitas, flexibility, fluency, freedom from difficulty, grace, gracefulness, proficiency, quickness,… …   Law dictionary

  • facility — [n1] ease; ability address, adroitness, aptitude, bent, child’s play*, competence, dexterity, efficiency, effortlessness, expertness, fluency, knack, leaning, lightness, poise, proficiency, propensity, quickness, readiness, skill, skillfulness,… …   New thesaurus

  • facility — [fə sil′ə tē] n. pl. facilities [ME & OFr facilite < L facilitas, easiness < facilis, FACILE] 1. ease of doing or making; absence of difficulty 2. a ready ability; skill; dexterity; fluency 3. [usually pl.] the means by which something can… …   English World dictionary

  • facility — (n.) early 15c., gentleness, from M.Fr. facilité, from L. facilitatem (nom. facilitas) easiness, ease, fluency, willingness, from facilis easy (see FACILE (Cf. facile)). Its sense in English moved from genteelness to opportunity (1510s), to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • facility — ease, dexterity, *readiness Analogous words: spontaneity, *unconstraint, abandon: address, poise, *tact: lightness, effortlessness, smoothness (see corresponding adjectives at EASY) Contrasted words: ineptness, clumsiness, awkwardness,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • facility — ► NOUN (pl. facilities) 1) a building, service, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose. 2) a natural ability to do something well and easily …   English terms dictionary

  • facility — noun 1 (usually facilities) buildings/services/equipment ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, first class, good ▪ adequate, appropriate, proper, suitable …   Collocations dictionary

  • facility — 01. Our neighborhood swimming pool is a wonderful [facility], with a wave pool, diving boards, a huge water slide and lots of equipment for small children to play on. 02. Construction has finally begun on athletic [facilities] for the next summer …   Grammatical examples in English

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