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Thyroiditis — Classification and external resources Above shows two parts of the thyroid that could potentially be affected if diagnosed with thyroiditis. ICD 10 E … Wikipedia
thyroiditis — [thī΄roidīt′is] n. [ModL: see ITIS] inflammation of the thyroid gland … English World dictionary
Thyroiditis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E06 Thyreoiditis E06.0 Akute Thyreoiditis E06.1 Subakute Thyreoiditis … Deutsch Wikipedia
thyroiditis — /thuy roy duy tis/, n. Pathol. inflammation of the thyroid gland. [1880 85; THYROID + ITIS] * * * ▪ disease any of many inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. Several nonspecific types of thyroiditis, both acute and chronic, may be… … Universalium
Thyroiditis — Inflammation of the thyroid gland which is located in front of the neck: . The inflamed thyroid gland can release an excess of thyroid hormones into the blood stream, resulting in a temporary hyperthyroid state. Once the thyroid gland is depleted … Medical dictionary
thyroiditis — n. inflammation of the thyroid gland. Acute thyroiditis is due to bacterial infection, and subacute (or de Quervain s) thyroiditis is caused by a viral infection. Chronic thyroiditis is commonly caused by an abnormal immune response (see… … The new mediacal dictionary
thyroiditis — Inflammation of the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis may be an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland over time, causing hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone). A temporary form of thyroiditis may also occur after the birth of a baby,… … English dictionary of cancer terms
Thyroiditis, autoimmune — A progressive disease of the thyroid gland with antibodies in the blood stream directed against the thyroid and infiltration of the gland by lymphocytes (a key type of white blood cells involved in the immune response). This immune response is… … Medical dictionary
thyroiditis — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1885 inflammation of the thyroid gland … New Collegiate Dictionary
thyroiditis — Disease of the thyroid, especially Hashimoto s disease, in which autoimmune destruction of the thyroid takes place … Dictionary of molecular biology