- antinarrative
A narrative (as of a play or novel) that deliberately avoids the typical conventions of the narrative, such as a coherent plot and resolution.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
NARRATIF (ART) — NARRATIF AR C’est l’art de conter, c’est à dire de transmettre par le verbe, le son ou l’image un récit, une séquence temporelle. Que ce récit soit réel ou imaginaire importe peu; chaque fois qu’il y a narration, le conteur doit exprimer la durée … Encyclopédie Universelle
Italian literature — Introduction the body of written works produced in the Italian language that had its beginnings in the 13th century. Until that time nearly all literary work composed in the Middle Ages was written in Latin. Moreover, it was predominantly… … Universalium
narrative — 1. adjective /ˈnarətɪv,ˈnɛrətɪv/ a) Telling a story. b) Being overly talkative; garrulous. 2. noun /ˈnarətɪv,ˈnɛrətɪv/ a) The systematic recitation of an event or series of events … Wiktionary