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Anticenter shell — The Anti center shell is the name of a region in space emitting 21 cm radiation near the anticenter of the Milky Way Galaxy in the constellation Auriga. It is located at RA|06|27 DEC| 15, or l = 197°, b = +2° in galactic coordinates. It is a… … Wikipedia
anticenter — /an tee sen teuhr, an tuy /, n. 1. Geol. the point on the surface of the earth diametrically opposite the epicenter of an earthquake. 2. Astron. the point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the galactic center. [ANTI + CENTER] * * * … Universalium
anticenter — n. opposite point on the earth s surface from an epicenter … English contemporary dictionary
anticenter — an·ti·cen·ter … English syllables
anticenter — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˈ noun ( s) Etymology: anti (I) + center : the direction in the sky opposite to that toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy * * * /an tee sen teuhr, an tuy /, n. 1. Geol. the point on the surface of the earth diametrically opposite … Useful english dictionary
Galactic anticenter — The Galactic anticenter is the point in the sky that lies in the direction opposite the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is within the constellation AurigaIn the galactic coordinate system, the galactic center in Sagittarius corresponds to a… … Wikipedia
Nine-point circle — The nine points In geometry, the nine point circle is a circle that can be constructed for any given triangle. It is so named because it passes through nine significant points defined from the triangle. These nine points are: The midpoint of each … Wikipedia
Galaktisches Zentrum — Als galaktisches Zentrum wird das Massenzentrum unseres Milchstraßensystems bezeichnet. Es liegt im Sternbild Schütze, wo auch das sichtbare Band der Milchstraße am dichtesten erscheint. Das galaktische Zentrum enthält das nächste uns bekannte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beta Tauri — Elnath, β Tau Elnath is the β star in Taurus (map: top left). Observation data Epoch J2000 Equinox J2000 … Wikipedia
COROT — Model of the Corot satellite General information NSSDC ID 2006 063A Organization … Wikipedia