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Ioánnina — Ioannina Ioannina (en grec : Ιωάννινα, souvent orthographiée Γιάννενα / Yiannena ou encore Γιάννινα / Yiannina ; en albanais, Janinë ou ; en bulgare, Янина / Janina) est la ville la plus importante d Épire, au nord ouest de la Grèce … Wikipédia en Français
IOANNINA — (Janina), name of town and region in Greece, N.W. of Athens. According to an old tradition, there was a Jewish community in Ioannina as early as the ninth century; the archaic Greek spoken by the Jewish inhabitants suggests that this may be true … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ioannina — [yō̂ ä′nē nä΄] city in Epirus, NW Greece: pop. 56,000 … English World dictionary
Ioannina — Infobox Greek Dimos name = Ioannina name local = Ιωάννινα image coa = periph = Epirus prefec = Ioannina province = population = 70203 population as of = 2001 population ref = [… … Wikipedia
Ioannina — Gemeinde Ioannina (Ioannina) Δήμος Ιωαννιτών (Ιωάννινα) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ioannina — 39° 40′ 00″ N 20° 51′ 00″ E / 39.6667, 20.85 … Wikipédia en Français
Ioannina — /yaw ah nee nah, yah nee nah/, n. a city in NW Greece. 39,814. Also, Ioánnina, Yanina, Yannina. Serbian, Janina. * * * ▪ Greece also spelled Yannina , or Janina city and capital, nomós (department) of Ioánnina, in the Epirus (Ípiros)… … Universalium
Ioannina — Ioạnnina, Jạnina, Jạnnina, Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Verwaltungsbezirkes (Nomos) in Epirus, Nordwestgriechenland, 480 m über dem Meeresspiegel, am Westufer des oberirdisch abflusslosen Sees von Ioannina, 56 700 Einwohner; griechisch… … Universal-Lexikon
Ioannina — Sp Jãnina Ap Ιωάννινα/Ioannina Sp Joãnina Ap Ιωάννινα/Ioannina L Epyro adm. sr. centras ir Graikijos nomas … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Ioannina — Original name in latin Ionnina Name in other language Giannina, IOA, Ioaa, Ioanina, Ioannina, Ionina, Ionnina, Ioa, Janina, Yanina, Yannina, Yanya, yue a ni na, Янина State code GR Continent/City Europe/Athens longitude 39.6675 latitude 20.85083… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Ioannina — /yaw ah nee nah, yah nee nah/, n. a city in NW Greece. 39,814. Also, Ioánnina, Yanina, Yannina. Serbian, Janina … Useful english dictionary