
A method of transferring a computer program from one computer to another by copying it to a floppy disk or some other external storage, carrying the disk to the other computer and installing it there, in contrast with electronic methods used by networked computers to transfer data.

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  • sneakernet — sneak‧er‧net [ˈsniːkənet ǁ kər ] noun [uncountable] COMPUTING the movement of electronic information by carrying it from one computer to another on disk S, CD S etc. This is sometimes done for security reasons, or in order to avoid security… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sneakernet — es el término usado (generalmente con intento irónico) para la transferencia de la información electrónica (fichero electrónico) por los medios desprendibles físicamente que llevan (cinta magnética, disquetes, discos compactos) a partir de un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sneakernet — [ floppy disk was once the primary means of transferring data between computers. Today, portable flash drives or memory cards are more practical.] Sneakernet is a tongue in cheek term used to describe the transfer of electronic information,… …   Wikipedia

  • sneakernet — A primitive office, computer network that shares files by passing them around on a floppy disk. The checks came late from payroll because they had to wait on the sneakernet for the files from Accounting. Have you seen the new elf bowling game? It …   Dictionary of american slang

  • sneakernet — A primitive office, computer network that shares files by passing them around on a floppy disk. The checks came late from payroll because they had to wait on the sneakernet for the files from Accounting. Have you seen the new elf bowling game? It …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Sneakernet — Le Sneakernet est une méthode de transfert de fichier sans réseau, qui fonctionne par exemple par l intermédiaire de clés USB ou de disquettes. Dans certains cas, ce type de réseau peut être plus rapide qu internet : par exemple, pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sneakernet — n. The transfer of files from one computer to another using a floppy disk or other removable medium. Example Citation: Ms Susan Campbell, of Andersen Consulting, a large international health care consultancy, says: different departments typically …   New words

  • Sneakernet — Turnschuhnetzwerk (engl.: Sneaker Network) ist ein eher ironischer Begriff für den Austausch von Daten zwischen zwei oder mehreren Computern, der nicht über ein herkömmliches Netzwerk, sondern per Datenträger (z. B. Diskette oder USB Stick)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sneakernet — /snee keuhr net /, n. Facetious. the transfer of electronic information by carrying the storage medium, esp. a floppy disk, from one computer to another. [1985 90, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • sneakernet — n. (Computers) network in which data is physically transferred by users between stations (using floppy disks, magnetic tapes etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

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