
Inspector of cloth

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  • Alnager — Al na*ger, n. [See {Alnage}.] A measure by the ell; formerly a sworn officer in England, whose duty was to inspect and measure woolen cloth, and fix upon it a seal. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alnager — /aelnsjar/ or ulnager /alnsjar/ A sworn officer of the king whose duty it was to look to the assise of woolen cloth made throughout the land, and to the putting on the seals for that purpose ordained, for which he collected a duty called alnage …   Black's law dictionary

  • alnager — /aelnsjar/ or ulnager /alnsjar/ A sworn officer of the king whose duty it was to look to the assise of woolen cloth made throughout the land, and to the putting on the seals for that purpose ordained, for which he collected a duty called alnage …   Black's law dictionary

  • Alnager —    Measurer of cloth by the aulne (Latin ulna ) or ell for the purpose of collecting the aulnage (or duty per ell) paid to the King on all cloths sold, 1315 (Cal. L. Bk. E. p. 53). Office abolished 11 and 12 Wm. III …   Dictionary of London

  • alnager — An officer who measured woolen cloth and collected the duties thereon …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • alnager — noun ( s) Etymology: alnage + er : a onetime officer in England whose duty it was to inspect and attest the measure and quality of woolen cloth …   Useful english dictionary

  • ulnager — alnager /aelnsjar/ or ulnager /alnsjar/ A sworn officer of the king whose duty it was to look to the assise of woolen cloth made throughout the land, and to the putting on the seals for that purpose ordained, for which he collected a duty called… …   Black's law dictionary

  • ulnager — alnager /aelnsjar/ or ulnager /alnsjar/ A sworn officer of the king whose duty it was to look to the assise of woolen cloth made throughout the land, and to the putting on the seals for that purpose ordained, for which he collected a duty called… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Alnage — Alnage, or aulnage (from Fr. aune , ell) is the official supervision of the shape and quality of manufactured woollen cloth.It was first ordered in the reign of Richard I that woollen cloths, wherever they are made, shall be of the same width, to …   Wikipedia

  • Francis Langley — (1548 ndash; 1602) was a theatre builder and theatrical producer in Elizabethan era London. [William Ingram, A London Life in the Brazen Age: Francis Langley, 1548 ndash;1602 , Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1978.] After James Burbage… …   Wikipedia

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