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Muzak — Muzak™ ist ein Markenname der Muzak Holdings LLC, eines 1934 gegründeten US amerikanischen Unternehmens, das hauptsächlich für seine Gebrauchsmusik (z. B. Musikbeschallung von Ladengeschäften) bekannt ist. Muzak ist eine lautlich veränderte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Muzak™ — [ˈmjuːzæk] [ˈmjuːzæk] noun uncountable (often disapproving) continuous recorded music that is played in shops, restaurants, airports, etc. compare ↑pipe … Useful english dictionary
mùžāk — m (mužàkinja ž) 〈G mužáka〉 pejor. ekspr. seljak, neuk seljak, prost čovjek … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Muzak — (n.) 1935, proprietary name for piped music, supposedly a blend of music and Kodak, said to have been coined c.1922 by Gen. George Squier, who developed the system of background music for workplaces … Etymology dictionary
mužak — mùžāk m <G mužáka> DEFINICIJA pejor. ekspr. seljak, neuk seljak, prost čovjek ETIMOLOGIJA vidi muž … Hrvatski jezični portal
muzak — ► NOUN trademark ▪ recorded light background music played in public places. ORIGIN alteration of MUSIC(Cf. ↑music) … English terms dictionary
Muzak — [myo͞o′zak΄] trademark for a system of transmitting recorded background music by telephone line or radio to restaurants, stores, factories, etc. n. the music so transmitted, variously regarded as unobtrusive but pervasive, bland and monotonous,… … English World dictionary
Muzak® — /mūˈzak/ noun Continuous background music played in restaurants, shops, etc (also (non standard) Musak) mūˈzaky adjective … Useful english dictionary
Muzak — Mu|zak [ mju:zæk ], die; [engl. Muzac®, wohl in Anlehnung an den Firmennamen Kodak, geb. zu: music = Musik] (Jargon): [anspruchslose, gefällige] Hintergrundmusik für Büros, Einkaufszentren, Flughäfen o. Ä. * * * Muzak [Kunstwort, mju:zɑk;… … Universal-Lexikon
Muzak — Passé dans le langage courant en Amérique du Nord, la Muzak est une forme de musique aseptisée, mise aux normes (les passages de niveau sonore très forts ou très faibles en sont nivelés), parfois diffusée dans les galeries commerciales, les… … Wikipédia en Français
Muzak{™} — n [U] a system that plays continuous recorded light music in public places, e.g. in restaurants, shops and airports. It was first produced in 1922 by the US Muzak Corporation for use in lifts/elevators to help people to stay calm. Many people… … Universalium