sign bit

sign bit
The bit in the representation of a number indicating whether it is negative or positive; applicable to both twos complement and signed magnitude representations.

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  • Sign bit — In computer science, the sign bit is a bit (usually the most significant bit) in a computer numbering format that indicates the sign of a number. Typically, if the sign bit is 1, the number is negative (for two s complement integers) or non… …   Wikipedia

  • sign bit — ženklo bitas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Bitas skaičiaus ↑dvejetainiame kode, nurodantis jo ženklą. Paprastai pliusas koduojamas nuliu, minusas – vienetu. atitikmenys: angl. sign bit ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – bitas dar žiūrėk – bitas dar …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Sign — A sign is an entity which signifies another entity. A natural sign is an entity which bears a causal relation to the signified entity, as thunder is a sign of storm. A conventional sign signifies by agreement, as a full stop signifies the end of… …   Wikipedia

  • Sign extension — is the operation, in computer arithmetic, of increasing the number of bits of a binary number while preserving the number s sign (positive/negative). This is done by appending digits to the most significant side of the number, following a… …   Wikipedia

  • Sign (mathematics) — The plus and minus symbols are used to show the sign of a number. Not to be confused with the sine function in trigonometry. In mathematics, the word sign refers to the property of being positive or negative. Every nonzero real number is either… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit plane — A bit plane of a digital discrete signal (such as image or sound) is a set of bits having the same position in the respective binary numbers [cite web last = first = authorlink = coauthors = title =Bit Plane work = publisher =PC Magazine date =… …   Wikipedia

  • sign — Synonyms and related words: OK, Roman candle, abandon, abnormality, accent, accent mark, accept, accredit, acute disease, adumbration, advertisement, affection, affirm, affliction, agent, agree on terms, aid to navigation, ailment, alarm,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Sign — Der Begriff Signum (lat.: Zeichen) wird in der Mathematik in zwei Zusammenhängen verwendet, beide Male im Sinne eines „Vorzeichens“. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Signumfunktion auf den reellen Zahlen 2 Signumfunktion auf den komplexen Zahlen 3… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sign — n 1. token, representation, signification; indication, mark, index, measurement; trademark, brand, monogram, initials, stamp, badge, emblem, ensign, device, scepter, logotype, Print. logo; slogan, theme song, watchword, password, countersign,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Sign-value notation — In Computers= Sign value notation (sign magnitude notation) in computers is the use of the high order bit (left end) of a binary word to represent the numeric sign: 0 for + and 1 for followed by a binary number that is an absolute magnitude or a… …   Wikipedia

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