- insulinopenic
That describes the form of diabetes mellitus that results from an inadequate secretion of insulin
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
diabetes — Either d. insipidus or d. mellitus, diseases having in common the symptom polyuria; when used without qualification, refers to d. mellitus. [G. d., a compass, a siphon, d.] adult onset d. non insulin dependent d. mellitus. alimentary d. SYN:… … Medical dictionary
hyperglyceridemia — Elevated plasma concentration of glycerides. endogenous h. type IV familial hyperlipoproteinemia or, more commonly, a nonfamilial sporadic variety. exogenous h. persistent h. due to retarded rate of removal from plasma of chylomicrons of … Medical dictionary
insulinopenia — in·su·lino·pe·nia (in″sə lin″o peґne ə) deficient secretion of insulin by the pancreas, resulting in hyperglycemia. Called also hypoinsulinism. insulinopenic adj … Medical dictionary