
noun /ˈpɜːslən/
A widely-grown edible plant, Portulaca oleracea.
Syn: common purslane, little hogweed, pigweed, pusley, verdolaga

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  • Purslane — Purs lane, n. [OF. porcelaine, pourcelaine (cf. It. porcellana), corrupted fr. L. porcilaca for portulaca.] (Bot.) An annual plant ({Portulaca oleracea}), with fleshy, succulent, obovate leaves, sometimes used as a pot herb and for salads,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Purslane — may refer to:* Portulaca , a genus of succulent flowering plants, and especially: ** Portulaca oleracea , a species of Portulaca eaten as a vegetable and considered a weed, known as summer purslane * Claytonia perfoliata , Miner s lettuce or… …   Wikipedia

  • purslane — [pʉrs′lin, pʉrs′lān΄] n. [ME purcelane < MFr porcelaine < LL porcilaca, purslane, altered < L portulaca: see PORTULACA] any of various prostrate weeds (genus Portulaca) of the purslane family, with pink, fleshy stems and small, yellow,… …   English World dictionary

  • purslane — /perrs layn, lin/, n. 1. a low, trailing plant, Portulaca oleracea, having yellow flowers, used as a salad plant and potherb. Cf. purslane family. 2. any other plant of the purslane family. [1350 1400; ME purcelan(e) < MF porcelaine < LL… …   Universalium

  • purslane — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French porsulaigne, from Late Latin porcillagin , porcillago, alteration of Latin porcillaca, alteration of portulaca Date: 14th century any of a family (Portulacaceae, the purslane family) of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • purslane — [ pə:slən] noun a small fleshy leaved plant of damp or marshy habitats, some kinds of which are edible. [Atriplex portulacoides (sea purslane) and other species.] Origin ME: from OFr. porcelaine, prob. from L. porcil(l)aca, var. of portulaca,… …   English new terms dictionary

  • purslane — purs•lane [[t]ˈpɜrs leɪn, lɪn[/t]] n. pln any low, trailing plant of the genus Portulaca, of the purslane family, esp. P. oleracea, having yellow flowers, used as a salad plant and potherb • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME purcelan(e) < MF porcelaine …   From formal English to slang

  • purslane — /ˈpɜslən / (say persluhn) noun 1. a widely distributed, yellow flowered species of portulaca, Portulaca oleracea, used as a salad plant and potherb; pigweed. 2. any other plant of the genus Portulaca. 3. any of various plants, as plants of the… …  

  • purslane — paprastoji portulaka statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Portulakinių šeimos daržovinis, maistinis, pašarinis, vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Portulaca oleracea). atitikmenys: lot. Portulaca oleracea angl. purslane vok. Portulak pranc. pourpier… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • purslane — portulaka statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Portulakinių (Portulaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Portulaca). atitikmenys: lot. Portulaca angl. moss rose; portulaca; purslane vok. Portulak; Portulak Röschen rus. портулак lenk. portulaka …   Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

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