- Baedeker
His middle-of-the-road guidebook to the Georgians (Henry James to T. S. Eliot) will be a useful Baedeker for literary sightseers.
Wikipedia foundation.
His middle-of-the-road guidebook to the Georgians (Henry James to T. S. Eliot) will be a useful Baedeker for literary sightseers.
Wikipedia foundation.
Baedeker — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adolf Baedeker (1810–1859), Gründer einer Buchhandlung in Rotterdam und in Köln Ernst Baedeker (1833–1861), deutscher Verleger Diedrich Baedeker (1680–1716), Buchhändler in Bielefeld Franz Gotthilf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
baedeker — s.n. Ghid turistic. [pr.: bédecher] – cuv. germ. Trimis de paula, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 BAEDEKER [pr.: bedécher] n. Ghid turistic. /Din Baedeker n. pr … Dicționar Român
Baedeker — Baedeker, a travel guidebook, is an authoritative work first published in Germany by Karl Baedeker (1801 1859), born in Essen, Germany, the son of a printer and bookseller. He followed his father s footsteps and became a printer with a shop in … Dictionary of eponyms
Baedeker — (Karl) (1801 1859) libraire allemand, éditeur de guides pour touristes. ⇒BAEDEKER, subst. masc. Guide de voyage édité par la maison portant ce nom. Emporter son Baedeker (Nouv. Lar. ill., Lar. 20e) : • Castro Urdiales, station balnéaire : on… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Baedeker — Baedeker, Buchhändlerfamilie, zurückgehend auf Dietrich Baedeker (* 1680, ✝ 1716), der Buchdrucker in Bremen, später in Bielefeld war. Die Nachkommen waren ebenfalls Buchdrucker und händler. Von ihnen gründete Karl Baedeker (* 1801, ✝ 1859)… … Universal-Lexikon
Baedeker — Baedeker, Buchhändlerfamilie, stammt von Diederich B., gest. 1716 in Bielefeld; seine Nachkommen besitzen noch die Firmen G. D. Baedeker in Essen (gegründet 1788), Julius Baedeker Verlag in Leipzig (früher Iserlohn) und Karl Baedeker das.… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Baedeker — / bɛ:dɛkər/, it. / bɛdɛker/ (o, all ital., baedeker) s.m., ted. [dal nome dei tipografi e librai tedeschi Baedeker che diedero inizio nel 1836 alla pubblicazione di queste guide], non com. (bibl.) [libro contenente le informazioni necessarie a… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Baedeker — travel guide, 1863, from German printer and bookseller Karl Baedeker (1801 1859) whose popular travel guides began the custom of rating places with one to four stars. The Baedeker raids by the Luftwaffe in April and May 1942 targeted British… … Etymology dictionary
Baedeker — Baedeker® /beˈdɛker, ted. ˈbɛːˌdɛkʌ/ [dal n. del libraio tedesco K. Baedeker, diffusore delle rinomatissime guide] s. m. inv. guida, vademecum (lat.), catalogo, manuale. SFUMATURE ► guida … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Baedeker — [bā′də kər] n. 1. any of a series of guidebooks to foreign countries, first published in Germany by Karl Baedeker (1801 59) 2. loosely any guidebook … English World dictionary
Baedeker — Verlag Karl Baedeker is a Germany based publisher and pioneer in the business of worldwide travel guides. The guides, often referred as simply Baedekers (sometimes the term is used about similar works from other publishers, or in reference to any … Wikipedia