
Resembling the bark of a tree

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  • prairie dog — any of several burrowing rodents of the genus Cynomys, of North American prairies, having a barklike cry: some are endangered. [1765 75, Amer.] * * * Any of five species (genus Cynomys) of short legged, terrestrial squirrels, named for their… …   Universalium

  • Corticiferous — Cor ti*cif er*ous (k?r t? s?f ?r ?s), a. [L. cortex, corticis, bark ferous: cf. F. corticif?re.] 1. Producing bark or something that resembling that resembles bark. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Having a barklike c?nenchyms. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dede Koswara — Infobox Person name = Dede Koswara image size = caption = birth name = birth date = 1971 birth place = death date = death place = death cause = resting place = resting place coordinates = residence = nationality = Javanese other names = known for …   Wikipedia

  • owl — owllike, adj. /owl/, n. 1. any of numerous, chiefly nocturnal birds of prey, of the order Strigiformes, having a broad head with large, forward directed eyes that are usually surrounded by disks of modified feathers: many populations are… …   Universalium

  • sea cow — 1. any sirenian, as the manatee or dugong. 2. Obs. the hippopotamus. [1605 15] * * * or Steller s sea cow Extinct aquatic mammal (Hydrodamalis gigas) that lived around islands in the Bering Sea. It was discovered in 1741 and described by a member …   Universalium

  • barking cough — a barklike cough of children, seen in croup and other conditions …   Medical dictionary

  • neonatal maladjustment syndrome — a disease of newborn foals, caused by perinatal hypoxia and characterized by behavioral disturbances such as inability to nurse, aimless wandering, apparent blindness, and uttering of a barklike sound; it may progress to convulsions, coma, and… …   Medical dictionary

  • prairie dog — prai′rie dog n. mam any burrowing squirrel of the genus Cynomys, of W North American and N Mexican plains and prairies, having a barklike cry • Etymology: 1765–75, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • corticate — [kôr′tikōs΄kôr′tikit, kôr′tikāt΄] adj. [L corticatus < cortex] 1. having a cortex 2. covered with bark or a barklike substance: Also corticated [kôr′tikāt΄id] or corticose [kôr′tikōs΄] …   English World dictionary

  • corticate — adj. (also corticated) 1 having bark or rind. 2 barklike. Etymology: L corticatus (as CORTEX) …   Useful english dictionary

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