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counterintuition — coun·ter·in·tu·i·tion (koun tər ĭn to͞o ĭshʹən, tyo͞o ) n. Intuition that is contrary to what one would expect. * * * … Universalium
Counterintuitive — The word counterintuitive literally means counter to intuition, and so it essentially means that something does not seem right or correct. A counterintuitive proposition is one that does not seem likely to be true when assessed using intuition or … Wikipedia
Scientific misconceptions — Types of scientific misconceptions = In general, scientific misconceptions have their foundations in a few intuitive knowledge domains, including folkmechanics (object boundaries and movements), folkbiology (biological species configurations and… … Wikipedia
Cognitive science of religion — is the study of religious thought and behavior from the perspective of the cognitive and evolutionary sciences. The field employs methods and theories from a very broad range of disciplines, including: cognitive psychology, evolutionary… … Wikipedia
counterintuitive — adjective Contrary to intuition or common sense. Ant: intuitive See Also: counterintuition … Wiktionary
Condoleezza Rice's tenure as Secretary of State — Rice signs official papers after receiving the oath of office during her ceremonial swearing in at the Department of State. Watching on are, from left, Laura Bush, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President George W. Bush and an unidentified family… … Wikipedia
Michael Mauboussin — Michael J. Mauboussin, Chief Investment Strategist at Legg Mason Capital Management Inc and Adjunct Professor of Finance at the Columbia Business School, is regarded as one of the world’s experts in behavioural finance, and is widely read as an… … Wikipedia