
a) Impudent, immodest, or shameless.

Brazen or rather copper swords seem to have been next introduced; these in process of time, workmen learned to harden by the addition of some other metal or mineral, which rendered them almost equal in temper to iron.

b) Pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass.
See Also: effrontery
2. verb
To carry through in a brazen manner. Generally used with out or through.

Sabina brazened it out before Mrs. Wygram, but inwardly she was resolved to be a good deal more circumspect.

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  • Brazen — Bra zen, a.[OE. brasen, AS. br[ae]sen. See {Brass}.] 1. Pertaining to, made of, or resembling, brass. [1913 Webster] 2. Sounding harsh and loud, like resounding brass. [1913 Webster] 3. Impudent; immodest; shameless; having a front like brass; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brazen — may refer to: * Brazen (TV series), a British television show * Brazen (Weep) , a song by Skunk Anansie * Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc …   Wikipedia

  • brazen — (adj.) O.E. bræsen of brass, from bræs brass (see BRASS (Cf. brass)) + EN (Cf. en) (2). The figurative sense of hardened in effrontery is 1570s (in brazen face), perhaps suggesting a face unable to show shame (see BRASS (Cf. brass)). To brazen it …   Etymology dictionary

  • Brazen — Bra zen, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Brazened}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Brazening}.] To carry through impudently or shamelessly; as, to brazen the matter through. [1913 Webster] Sabina brazened it out before Mrs. Wygram, but inwardly she was resolved to be a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brazen — ► ADJECTIVE 1) bold and shameless. 2) literary made of brass. ► VERB (brazen it out) ▪ endure a difficult situation with apparent confidence and lack of shame. DERIVATIVES brazenly adverb. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • brazen — [brā′zən] adj. [ME brasen < OE bræsen < bræs,BRASS] 1. of brass 2. like brass in color or other qualities 3. showing no shame; bold; impudent 4. having the ringing sound of brass; harsh and piercing brazen it out …   English World dictionary

  • brazen — I adjective arrogant, assuming, audacious, aweless, barefaced, blatant, bluff, bold, boldfaced, brash, conscienceless, daring, defiant, disrespectful, familiar, flagrant, flaunting, flippant, forward, immodest, immoral, impertinent, impudens,… …   Law dictionary

  • brazen — *shameless, brash, impudent Analogous words: callous, *hardened, indurated: insolent, arrogant (see PROUD): rash, reckless (see ADVENTUROUS): bold, audacious (see BRAVE) Antonyms: bashful Contrasted words: *shy, diffident …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • brazen — [adj] brash, unashamed audacious, barefaced, blatant, bold, brassy, cheeky, cocky, contumelious, defiant, flashy, flip, forward, gritty, gutsy, hotshot*, immodest, impertinent, impudent, indecent, insolent, loud, meretricious, nervy, overbold,… …   New thesaurus

  • brazen — bra|zen1 [ˈbreızən] adj [: Old English; Origin: brAsen, from brAs; BRASS] 1.) used to describe a person or the actions of a person who is not embarrassed about behaving in a wrong or immoral way ▪ At first I was scared, but as I went on, I became …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • brazen — brazenly, adv. brazenness, n. /bray zeuhn/, adj. 1. shameless or impudent: brazen presumption. 2. made of brass. 3. like brass, as in sound, color, or strength. v.t. 4. to make brazen or bold. 5. brazen out or …   Universalium

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