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polisemìa — (полисемия, многозначность | polysémie | Polysemie, Vielwertigkeit | polysemy | polisemìa) Способность слова обладать различными значениями (гр. polysêmia не засвидетельствовано); таково франц. bureau «бюро», которое в зависимости от… … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
polysemy — polysemous, adj. /pol ee see mee, peuh lis euh mee/, n. diversity of meanings. [1895 1900; < NL polysemia, equiv. to LL polysem(us) with many significations ( < Gk polýsemos, equiv. to poly POLY + sêm(a) sign + os adj. suffix) + ia Y3] * * * … Universalium
polisemija — polisèmija ž DEFINICIJA lingv. mijenjanje značenja riječi u vremenu, promjena značenja kao dijakronijska pojava u jeziku (npr. brod = 1. gaz 2. plovilo); višeznačnost, opr. monosemija ETIMOLOGIJA nlat. polysemia ≃ grč. polýsēmos: višeznačan ≃… … Hrvatski jezični portal
polysemy — /pəˈlɪsəmi / (say puh lisuhmee) noun the acquisition and retention of many meanings by one word, as in the case of the word tank which referred to a receptacle for liquids and then additionally to a military vehicle. {New Latin polysēmia, from… …
polysemy — [päl′i sē΄mē] n. [ModL polysemia < LL polysemus, having many meanings < Gr polysēmos < poly , POLY + sēma, a sign: see SEMANTIC] the phenomenon of having or being open to several or many meanings polysemic [pol′y semik] adj. polysemous… … English World dictionary