kick over the traces

kick over the traces
To rebel against authority; to defy orders or instructions.

"I remember that she once said to me, Women do get the worst of it when they kick over the traces," Hillyard resumed. "And undoubtedly they do. On the other hand you have McKerrels hard-headed verdict, If these poor neurotic bodies had any work to do they wouldnt have so much time to worry about their troubles. Who shall choose between them? And what does it matter now? Stellas gone. She will strain her poor little unhappy heart no more against the bars."

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  • kick over the traces — also[jump the traces] {v. phr.} To break the rules; behave badly. * /When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute, the children kicked over the traces./ Compare: ACT UP, CUT UP, LET LOOSE, OUT OF HAND, RAISE CAIN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • kick over the traces — also[jump the traces] {v. phr.} To break the rules; behave badly. * /When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute, the children kicked over the traces./ Compare: ACT UP, CUT UP, LET LOOSE, OUT OF HAND, RAISE CAIN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • kick over the traces — Kicking over the traces is wild rebellious behaviour or being out of control. It comes from when a horse in harness got a rear leg over the traces, which attach it to the vehicle, it started pulling and became uncontrollable …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • kick\ over\ the\ traces — • kick over the traces • jump the traces v. phr. To break the rules; behave badly. When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute, the children kicked over the traces. Compare: act up, cut up, let loose, out of hand, raise Cain …   Словарь американских идиом

  • kick over the traces — ► kick over the traces become insubordinate or reckless. Main Entry: ↑trace …   English terms dictionary

  • kick over the traces — phrasal : to cast off restraint : become insubordinate : throw off authority or control * * * kick over the traces To throw off control • • • Main Entry: ↑kick kick over the traces see under ↑kick • • • Main Entry: ↑trace * * * kick …   Useful english dictionary

  • kick over the traces —    to behave in an immoral or an unruly fashion    Like an unschooled horse:     What about his missus? Does she ever kick over the traces? (Sanders, 1992 an enquiry was being made about her adultery) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • kick over the traces — British & Australian to do what you want and not show any respect for authority. Some kids go straight to university and spend the first year kicking over the traces …   New idioms dictionary

  • over the traces — See: KICK OVER THE TRACES …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • over the traces — See: KICK OVER THE TRACES …   Dictionary of American idioms

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