- cross-platform
Of software, etc., designed to work on various operating systems.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
cross-platform — ˈcross ˌplatform adjective COMPUTING cross platform software, computer equipment etc is designed so that it can be used on different operating system S (= system in a computer that helps all the programs in it to work together ) : • Not all of… … Financial and business terms
cross-platform — cross platˈform adjective (computing) Compatible with different types of computers or software • • • Main Entry: ↑cross * * * ˌcross ˈplatform 7 [cross platform] adjective (of a computer program or an electronic … Useful english dictionary
Cross Platform — [engl.], plattformübergreifend … Universal-Lexikon
Cross-platform — For a type of interchange between different lines in a metro system, see cross platform interchange. In computing, cross platform, or multi platform, is an attribute conferred to computer software or computing methods and concepts that are… … Wikipedia
Cross-platform — Multiplate forme Un logiciel multiplate forme ou multiplateforme[1] est un logiciel conçu pour fonctionner sur plusieurs plates formes, c’est à dire le couple liant ordinateur et système d’exploitation. En anglais on parle souvent de « cross … Wikipédia en Français
Cross-platform virtualization — is a form of computer virtualization that allows software compiled for a specific CPU and operating system to run unmodified on computers with different CPUs and/or operating systems, through a combination of dynamic binary translation and… … Wikipedia
Cross platform promotion — or CPP refers to the effective utilization of all social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn in an holistic manner sharing content across platforms to provide a cohesive[1][2] brand message. CPP defines the synergetic… … Wikipedia
Cross Platform Component Object Model — (XPCOM) ist ein plattformunabhängiges Komponentenmodell von Mozilla. Es funktioniert ähnlich wie CORBA oder COM mit Hilfe von Schnittstellen. Es verfügt über verschiedene Sprachanbindungen und Schnittstellenbeschreibungen, so dass Programmierer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cross-platform interchange — A diagram of a paired cross platform interchange The former and current tr … Wikipedia
Cross-platform support middleware — A Cross Platform Support Middleware (CPSM) is a software abstraction layer that guarantees the existence, and correct implementation, of a set of services on top a set of platforms.[1] Contents 1 Formal Model 2 Trivial CPSM 3 Non trivia … Wikipedia
Cross-platform Audio Creation Tool — Not to be confused with xACT, a GUI frontend for a collection of open source audio codecs, for the Mac. Cross platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT) is an audio programming library and engine released by Microsoft as part of the DirectX SDK. [1] It… … Wikipedia