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secluded — [siklo͞od′id] adj. 1. shut off or kept apart from others; isolated; withdrawn 2. cut off from the public view; hidden [a secluded garden] … English World dictionary
secluded — index clandestine, covert, evasive, hidden, obscure (remote), secret, separate, solitary … Law dictionary
secluded — [adj] isolated, sheltered abandoned, alone, aloof, beleaguered, blockaded, cloistered, close, closet, confidential, covert, cut off, deserted, hermetic, hidden, incommunicado, insular, isolate, lonely, lonesome, off the beaten track*, out of the… … New thesaurus
secluded — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a place) not seen or visited by many people; sheltered and private … English terms dictionary
secluded — se|clud|ed [sıˈklu:dıd] adj very private and quiet secluded garden/spot/beach etc ▪ We sunbathed on a small secluded beach. ▪ He s 80 years old now and lives a very secluded life … Dictionary of contemporary English
secluded — [[t]sɪklu͟ːdɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A secluded place is quiet and private. We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room... We found a secluded beach a few miles further on … English dictionary
secluded — adjective 1 a secluded place is private and quiet because it is a long way from other places and people: We eventually came to a secluded farmhouse. 2 a secluded life/existence a way of living that is quiet and private because you do not see many … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
secluded — adjective Date: 1604 1. screened or hidden from view ; sequestered < a secluded valley > 2. living in seclusion ; solitary < secluded monks > • secludedly adverb • secludedness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
secluded — secludedly, adv. secludedness, n. /si klooh did/, adj. 1. sheltered or screened from general activity, view, etc.: a secluded cottage. 2. withdrawn from or involving little human or social activity: a secluded life. [1595 1605; SECLUDE + ED2] Syn … Universalium
secluded — adj. VERBS ▪ be ADVERB ▪ fairly, very, etc. ▪ We managed to find a fairly secluded spot for our picnic. ▪ completely … Collocations dictionary
secluded — adjective 1. hidden from general view or use (Freq. 1) a privy place to rest and think a secluded romantic spot a secret garden • Syn: ↑privy, ↑secret • Similar to: ↑ … Useful english dictionary