plagal cadence

plagal cadence
A falling cadence in which a subdominant chord precedes the tonic; especially used in an ending Amen.

A fellow could rely on Market Street only so far, and then even that began to get discouraging, plagal cadences on parlor pianos, bright lights, and mirrors to the contrary notwithstanding.

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  • Plagal cadence — Plagal Pla gal (pl[=a] gal), a. [F., from Gr. pla gios sidewise, slanting.] (Mus.) Having a scale running from the dominant to its octave; said of certain old church modes or tunes, as opposed to those called {authentic}, which ran from the tonic …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plagal cadence — noun a cadence (frequently ending church music) in which the chord of the subdominant precedes the chord of the tonic • Syn: ↑amen cadence • Hypernyms: ↑cadence * * * Music. a cadence in which the chord of the tonic is preceded by that of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • plagal cadence — Music. a cadence in which the chord of the tonic is preceded by that of the subdominant. [1870 75] * * * …   Universalium

  • plagal cadence — noun Music a cadence in which the chord of the subdominant immediately precedes that of the tonic …   English new terms dictionary

  • plagal cadence — /pleɪgəl ˈkeɪdns/ (say playguhl kaydns) noun Music a cadence in which there is a progression from a subdominant chord to a tonic chord …  

  • Plagal — Pla gal (pl[=a] gal), a. [F., from Gr. pla gios sidewise, slanting.] (Mus.) Having a scale running from the dominant to its octave; said of certain old church modes or tunes, as opposed to those called {authentic}, which ran from the tonic to its …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cadence (music) — Perfect authentic cadence (V I [here in V7 I form] with roots in the bass and tonic in the highest voice of the final chord): ii V7 I progression in C   …   Wikipedia

  • cadence — /kayd ns/, n., v., cadenced, cadencing. n. Also, cadency. 1. rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words: the cadence of language. 2. (in free verse) a rhythmic pattern that is nonmetrically structured. 3. the beat, rate, or measure of any… …   Universalium

  • plagal — adj. Mus. (of a church mode) having sounds between the dominant and its octave (cf. AUTHENTIC). Phrases and idioms: plagal cadence (or close) a cadence in which the chord of the subdominant immediately precedes that of the tonic. Etymology: med.L …   Useful english dictionary

  • cadence — Synonyms and related words: Alexandrine, accent, accentuation, acciaccatura, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anapest, antispast, appoggiatura, arabesque, arsis, authentic cadence, bacchius, bass passage, beat, bourdon, bridge, burden, cadency …   Moby Thesaurus

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