- ileus
Partial or complete obstruction of the intestines, especially the ileum, causing colic, vomiting, constipation and often fever and dehydration.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
iléus — [ ileys ] n. m. • 1798; yleos XIVe; gr. eileos, de eilein « tordre » ♦ Méd. Obstruction, occlusion intestinale. ● iléus nom masculin (latin ileus, du grec eileos, de eileîn, rouler) Synonyme de occlusion intestinale. ● iléus (expressions) nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ILEUS — ILEUS, непроходимость кишечника; представляет такое состояние, при к ром на протяжении кишечника возникает препятствие для продвижения его содержимого. Предоставленный своему собственному течению, I. в зависимости от вида непроходимости ведет то… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
ileus — ILÉUS, ileusuri, s.n. (med.) Ocluziune intestinală. [pr.: le us] – Din fr. iléus. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 ILÉUS s. v. ocluziune intestinală. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime iléus s … Dicționar Român
ileus — (n.) painful intestinal condition, 1706, from L. ileus severe colic, from Gk. ileos colic, from eilein to turn, squeeze, from PIE *wel to turn, roll (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)) … Etymology dictionary
ileus — ȉleus m DEFINICIJA pat. zapletaj crijeva s potpunim zatvorom, jakim bolovima, povraćanjem i potrebom brze liječničke intervencije ETIMOLOGIJA lat. ileus ← grč. eileós … Hrvatski jezični portal
ileus — [il′ē əs] n. [ModL < L ileus, ileos < Gr eileos, colic, altered (infl. by eilein, to twist) < eilyos < eilyein, to envelop, creep along < IE * wel , to turn, roll > WALK] an abnormal condition caused by paralysis or obstruction… … English World dictionary
Ileus — Il e*us, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to roll up.] (Med.) A morbid condition due to intestinal obstruction. It is characterized by complete constipation, with griping pains in the abdomen, which is greatly distended, and in the later stages by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ilēus — (lat.), s. Kotbrechen und Darmverschluß … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Ileus — Ilĕus, Kotbrechen, s. Miserere … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Ileus — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 K56 Paralytischer Ileus und mechanischer Ileus ohne Hernie K56.0 Paralytischer Ileus K56.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ileus — ICD9|560.1, ICD9|560.31, ICD9|777.1, ICD9|777.4 ICDO = Caption = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = DiseasesDB = 6706 MeshID = D045823 Ileus is a disruption of the normal propulsive gastrointestinal motor activity from non… … Wikipedia