
1. verb /beɪt/
a) To reduce the force of something; to abate.

He will not bate an ace of absolute certainty.

b) To restrain, usually with the sense of being in anticipation; as, with bated breath.
2. noun /beɪt/
a) Strife; contention.

... and wears his boots very smooth, like unto the sign of the leg, and breeds no bate with telling of discreet stories;

b) An alkaline lye which neutralizes the effect of the previous application of lime, and makes hides supple in the process of tanning.

So the strife redoubled and the weapons together clashed and ceased not bate and debate and naught was to be seen but blood flowing and necks bowing;

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  • bate — BÁTE, bat, vb. III. I. 1. tranz. şi refl. A (se) lovi, a (se) izbi repetat şi violent (cu palma, cu pumnul, cu băţul, cu biciul etc.) A bate peste obraji, peste gură, peste picioare. A bate la palmă, la tălpi, la spate. A bate în cap. ♢ expr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Bate — and similar can mean:People*Ahmade Bate (1417–1491), Kurdish poet and cleric *Anthony Bate (born 1929), English actor *C. T. Bate (1823–1889), Canadian politician *Charles Spence Bate (1819–1889), British zoologist and dentist *Dorothea Bate… …   Wikipedia

  • Bate — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El bate (conocido y derivado de la palabra inglesa bat) es un objeto utilizado en algunos deportes. El bate puede tener un diferente peso y tamaño que otros. Es duro, liso y comúnmente hecho de madera. El bate usado… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bate — (s. ⇨ Albott). 1. Al Bade1 helpt, se(de) de Düwel, as he de Botter mit de Heuforke2 êt. (Oldenburg.) – Für Lippe vgl. Firmenich, I, 269. 1) Auch Bate, Bott (s. ⇨ Allbott) = Gewinn, Nutzen, Vortheil. (Vgl. über dies Wort: Frommann, II, 391, 10;… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • bâte — ● bâte nom féminin (bas latin basta, chaton) Élément d entourage en métal, cylindrique ou autre, utilisé à partir de l époque médiévale par les orfèvres et joailliers pour sertir les pierres, perles ou émaux. ⇒BÂTÉ, part. passé et adj. I. Part.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • bâté — ● bâte nom féminin (bas latin basta, chaton) Élément d entourage en métal, cylindrique ou autre, utilisé à partir de l époque médiévale par les orfèvres et joailliers pour sertir les pierres, perles ou émaux. ⇒BÂTÉ, part. passé et adj. I. Part.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bate — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Charles Spence Bate (1819–1889), britischer Zoologe und Zahnarzt Henry Bate, australischer Politiker Jonathan Bate (* 1958), britischer Anglist, Philologe und Hochschullehrer Stanley Bate (1911–1959),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bate — Bate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bating}.] [From abate.] 1. To lessen by retrenching, deducting, or reducing; to abate; to beat down; to lower. [1913 Webster] He must either bate the laborer s wages, or not employ or not pay… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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