
Any material that causes cardiotoxicity

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  • Cardiotoxin — Ein Cardiotoxin ist ein speziell auf den Herzmuskel wirkendes Gift. Funktionell wirkt es wie ein Neurotoxin. Cardiotoxine finden sich vor allem in Schlangengiften, den Nesselgiften von Nesseltieren und anderen Tiergiften. Die Gifte wirken… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cardiotoxin III — (CTX III, also known as cytotoxin 3) is a sixty amino acid polypeptide toxin from the Taiwan Cobra Naja naja atra. Recent evidence has shown that CTX III may induce apoptosis in K562 cells via the release of cytochrome c Ref|1. This protein… …   Wikipedia

  • cardiotoxin — 1. A poisonous glycoside with specific cardiac effects. For example, causes irreversible depolarization of cell membranes. 2. Specifically, one of the toxic principles from cobra venom. 3. Any substance that …   Medical dictionary

  • Representative venomous animals that inflict a sting — ▪ Table Representative venomous animals that inflict a sting name and distribution toxic principle toxic effects and comments Cnidarians Portuguese man of war (Physalia species); tropical seas tetramine, 5 hydroxytryptamine immediate, intense… …   Universalium

  • Toxin — This article is about the class of poisonous substances. For other uses, see Toxin (disambiguation). Universal warning symbol used to indicate toxic substances or environments A toxin (from Ancient Greek: τοξικόν toxikon) is a poisonous… …   Wikipedia

  • Botulinum toxin — Clinical data Pregnancy cat.  ? Legal status  ? (US) Rout …   Wikipedia

  • Neurotoxin — A neurotoxin is a toxin that acts specifically on nerve cells[1] (neurons), usually by interacting with membrane proteins such as ion channels. Some sources are more general, and define the effect of neurotoxins as occurring at nerve tissue.[2]… …   Wikipedia

  • Lipopolysaccharide — Structure of a lipopolysaccharide Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), also known as lipoglycans, are large molecules consisting of a lipid and a polysaccharide joined by a covalent bond; they are found in the outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria, act… …   Wikipedia

  • Psychoactive toad — is a name used for toads from which psychoactive substances from the family of bufotoxins can be derived. The skin and poison of Bufo alvarius (Colorado River toad or Sonoran Desert toad) contain 5 MeO DMT and bufotenin. Other species contain… …   Wikipedia

  • Mycotoxin — A mycotoxin (from Greek μύκης (mykes, mukos) “fungus” and Latin (toxicum) “poison”)[1][2] is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by organisms of the fungus kingdom, commonly known as molds.[3][4] The term ‘mycotoxin’ is usually reserved for the …   Wikipedia

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