- red tide
an algal bloom of sufficient quantity to cause discoloration (often red) in a body of water; red tides can potentially cause irritation or death to exposed creatures
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Red tide — is a common name for a phenomenon known as an algal bloom, an event in which estuarine, marine, or fresh water algae accumulate rapidly in the water column, or bloom . These algae, more specifically phytoplankton, are microscopic, single celled… … Wikipedia
Red Tide — [ red taɪd, englisch], Biologie: Rote Tide … Universal-Lexikon
red tide — n seawater discolored by the presence of large numbers of dinoflagellates esp. of the genera Gonyaulax and Gymnodinium which produce a toxin poisonous esp. to many forms of marine vertebrate life and to humans who consume contaminated shellfish… … Medical dictionary
red tide — red′ tide′ n. mcr a brownish red discoloration of marine waters caused by a huge aggregation of flagellates, esp. dinoflagellates, that often produce a potent neurotoxin that contaminates shellfish • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
red tide — ☆ red tide n. a reddish discoloration of sea waters, caused by large numbers of red dinoflagellates (esp. genera Gymnodinium and Gonyaulax) that kill fish and other organisms by releasing poisonous products … English World dictionary
red tide — noun seawater that is discolored by large numbers of certain dinoflagellates that produce saxitoxin • Hypernyms: ↑seawater, ↑saltwater, ↑brine * * * noun : seawater discolored by the presence of large numbers of dinoflagellates (especially of the … Useful english dictionary
red tide — a brownish red discoloration of marine waters caused by the presence of enormous numbers of certain microscopic flagellates, esp. the dinoflagellates, that often produce a potent neurotoxin that accumulates in the tissues of shellfish, making… … Universalium
red tide — n. a menstrual period. (Punning on the name of a tidal phenomenon where the water appears reddish owing to the presence of certain kinds of microscopic creatures.) □ Sorry, she’s down with the red tide and really prefers to stay home … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Red Tide (Band) — Red Tide was a heavy metal band founded by Simsbury, Connecticut residents Jeff Wu (guitars/vocals), Jeff Bennett (bass guitar), and Justin Foley (drums)in the early 1990s. Later lineups of the band included Matt Blue Ouelette and Ian Kauffman on … Wikipedia
red tide — /rɛd ˈtaɪd/ (say red tuyd) noun the red bloom of marine algae which produces neurotoxins that kill fish and contaminate shellfish, and which is carried in on the tide …
red tide — a population explosion in marine plankton such as dinoflagellates that is toxic and fatal to fish. The colour of the tide can be red, pink, yellow, green, blue, purple, black or brown. See also brevetoxin … Dictionary of ichthyology