
1. noun
a) Charcoal; coke.

... so I contrived to burn some wood here, as I had seen done in England, under turf, till it became chark or dry coal ...

b) A pointed stick, which when placed with the point against another piece of wood, and spun rapidly in alternate directions with the aid of attached cords, produces enough heat by friction to create a fire; a fire-drill.

The discoverer of the chark, or " fire-drill," an instrument for obtaining fire by artificial means, would be so great a benefactor to a people that had to suffer all the inconveniences resulting from occasional fireless hearths, that we may well understand why he may be invested by his astonished and delighted fellow-savages with miraculous or supernatural powers.

2. verb
a) To reduce by strong heat, as to produce charcoal or coke; to calcine.

I have ſeen Turf charkd, and then it ſerves to work Iron, and, as I have been informd will ſerve to make it in a Bloomery or Iron-work. Turf charkd I reckon the ſweeteſt and wholeſomeſt Fire that can be, fitter for a Chamber and conſumptive People, than either Wood, Stone-Coal or Charcoal.

b) To make a grating sound.

The method which the Romans now taught them of charking the coal continues eſſentially the ſame until the preſent moment.

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  • Chark — Chark, n. [Abbrev. fr. charcoal.] Charcoal; a cinder. [Obs.] DeFoe. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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