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varve — varve … Dictionnaire des rimes
varve — [ varv ] n. f. • 1943; méd. 1910; du suéd. varv « couche » ♦ Géol. Mince lit de vase. Dépôts à varves. ● varve nom féminin (suédois varv) Sédiment lacustre finement lité, déposé en avant des glaciers. (En comptant les alternances de dépôts fin et … Encyclopédie Universelle
varve — annual deposit of silt in a lake bed, 1912, from Swed. varv turn, layer, related to O.N. hverfa, O.E. hwerfan to turn round (see WHARF (Cf. wharf)) … Etymology dictionary
varve — [värv] n. [Swed varv, a layer < varva, to turn, change < ON hverfa < IE base * kwerp , to turn > CARPUS] an annual layer of sedimentary material deposited in lakes and fiords by glacial meltwaters, consisting of two distinct bands of… … English World dictionary
Varve — [ thumb|right|300px|Pleistocene age varves at Scarboro Bluffs, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The thickest varves are more than half an inch thick. ] A varve is an annual layer of sediment or sedimentary rock. The word varve is derived from the… … Wikipedia
Varvė — Sp Várvė Ap Vārve L Latvija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Vārve — Sp Várvė Ap Vārve L Latvija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Varve — Varves datées du Pléistocène à Scarboro Bluffs, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Les varves les plus épaisses font environ 2 centimètres d épaisseur. Une varve est une couche ou strate sédimentaire qui s est déposée en une année, au fond d un lac. Cette … Wikipédia en Français
varve — a two layered deposit in a lake near to a glacial area. During spring and summer meltwater discharge is high and so larger load is carried. If the river enters a lake then this larger, sandy load will be deposited. In autumn and winter,… … Geography glossary
varve — noun Etymology: Swedish varv turn, layer; akin to Old Norse hvarf ring, Old English hweorfan to turn more at wharf Date: 1912 a pair of layers of alternately finer and coarser silt or clay believed to comprise an annual cycle of deposition in a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
varve — /vahrv/, n. Geol. (in lake sediments) an annual deposit usually consisting of two layers, one of fine materials and the other of coarse. [1920 25; < Sw varv a round, (complete) turn] * * * … Universalium