sick to one's stomach

sick to one's stomach
Nauseated, queasy.

[H]e had torn the paper from one of his cigarettes and was chewing the tobacco. This was his last resort, an expedient which he fell back upon only in great extremity, as it invariably made him sick to his stomach.

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  • sick to one's stomach — 1. About to vomit 2. Disgusted • • • Main Entry: ↑sick * * * nauseous ■ disgusted …   Useful english dictionary

  • sick to one's stomach — 1》 nauseous. 2》 disgusted. → sick …   English new terms dictionary

  • sick — sick1 /sik/, adj., sicker, sickest, n. adj. 1. afflicted with ill health or disease; ailing. 2. affected with nausea; inclined to vomit. 3. deeply affected with some unpleasant feeling, as of sorrow, disgust, or boredom: sick at heart; to be sick …   Universalium

  • sick — adj. 1) sick at (sick at heart; sick at the prospect of leaving home) 2) sick of (we are sick of the red tape) 3) (misc.) sick to one s stomach; worried sick; to be sick and tired of smt. * * * [sɪk] to be sick and tired of smt. worried sick… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • sick — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English sek, sik, from Old English sēoc; akin to Old High German sioh sick Date: before 12th century 1. a. (1) affected with disease or ill health ; ailing (2) of, relating to, or intended for use in sickness < sick …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sick — adj 1. ill, ailing, unwell, unhealthy, sickly, delicate; indisposed, laid up, bedridden, infirm, valetudinarian, confined, shut in; hurt, afflicted, injured, lame, disabled, crippled; not up to snuff, Inf. out of sorts, Inf. under the weather, on …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • sick — sick1 adjective 1》 affected by physical or mental illness. 2》 feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit.     ↘informal disappointed, mortified, or miserable.     ↘archaic pining or longing. 3》 (sick of) bored by or annoyed with through excessive… …   English new terms dictionary

  • sick — 1. Unwell; suffering from disease. 2. SYN: nauseated. [A.S. seóc] * * * sick sik adj 1 a) affected with disease or ill health b) of, relating to, or intended for use in sickness <a sick ward> c) affected with nausea: inclined to vomit or… …   Medical dictionary

  • SICK, VISITING THE — (Heb. בִּקּוּר חוֹלִים; bikkur ḥolim). Visiting the sick in order to cheer, aid, and relieve their suffering is one of the many social obligations which Judaism has clothed with religious significance. God Himself is said to have observed this… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • turn one's stomach — {v. phr.}, {informal} To make you feel sick. * /The smell of that cigar was enough to turn your stomach./ * /The sight of blood turns my stomach./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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