- hemiparasite
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
hémiparasite — ● hémiparasite nom masculin Parasite végétal possédant de la chlorophylle et prélevant chez l hôte surtout de l eau et des sels minéraux dissous. (Exemple : rhinanthe, gui.) hémiparasite n. m. et adj. BOT Plante parasite qui effectue sa propre… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hemiparasite — [hem΄i par′ə sīt΄] n. 1. Zool. an organism that may be either free living or parasitic; facultative parasite 2. Bot. a parasitic plant, as the mistletoe, which carries on some photosynthesis but obtains a portion of its food, water, or minerals… … Universalium
hemiparasite — [hem΄i par′ə sīt΄] n. 1. Zool. an organism that may be either free living or parasitic; facultative parasite 2. Bot. a parasitic plant, as the mistletoe, which carries on some photosynthesis but obtains a portion of its food, water, or minerals… … English World dictionary
hemiparasite — hemi·parasite … English syllables
hemiparasite — noun a parasitic plant that contains some chlorophyll and therefore is capable of photosynthesis • Syn: ↑semiparasite • Derivationally related forms: ↑hemiparasitic • Hypernyms: ↑parasitic plant … Useful english dictionary
Parasitic plant — A parasitic plant is one that derives some or all of its sustenance from another plant. About 4,100 species in approximately 19 families of flowering plants are known. [Nickrent, D. L. and Musselman, L. J. 2004. Introduction to Parasitic… … Wikipedia
hemiparasitic — adjective of or relating to plants that are hemiparasites • Pertains to noun: ↑hemiparasite • Derivationally related forms: ↑hemiparasite * * * adjective see hemiparasite * * * hemiparasitˈic adjective • • • … Useful english dictionary
Santalum acuminatum — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked) … Wikipedia
Allelopathie — Allélopathie L’allélopathie est l ensemble des interactions biochimiques directes ou indirectes, positives ou négatives, d’une plante sur une autre (micro organismes inclus) au moyen de métabolites secondaires tels les acides phénoliques, les… … Wikipédia en Français
Allélopathie — L’allélopathie est l ensemble de plusieurs interactions biochimiques directes ou indirectes, positives ou négatives, d’une plante sur une autre (micro organismes inclus) au moyen de métabolites secondaires tels les acides phénoliques, les… … Wikipédia en Français