- Uniform Resource Locator
A universal address for resources on the internet, which is most commonly used for websites.Syn: web address, URL
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Uniform Resource Locator — n. The series of characters that will retrieve a particular web page when typed into the address bar in a Web browser; a domain name or IP address plus other information that specifies a particular page. abbrv. URL The Essential Law Dictionary.… … Law dictionary
Uniform Resource Locator — is an URI which also specifies where the identified resource is available and the protocol for retrieving it. [ [http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1738.html RFC 1738 Uniform Resource Locators] ] In popular usage and many technical documents, it is… … Wikipedia
Uniform Resource Locator — Uniform Resource Locator, URL … Universal-Lexikon
Uniform Resource Locator — Als Uniform Resource Locator (engl.; Abk. URL; dt. „einheitlicher Quellenanzeiger“) bezeichnet man eine Unterart von Uniform Resource Identifiern (URIs). URLs identifizieren und lokalisieren eine Ressource über die zu verwendende Zugriffsmethode… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Uniform Resource Locator — Le sigle URL (de l anglais Uniform Resource Locator, littéralement « Localisateur Uniforme de Ressource »), auquel se substitue informellement le terme adresse web, désigne une chaîne de caractères utilisée pour adresser les ressources… … Wikipédia en Français
Uniform Resource Locator — Единый указатель ресурсов (англ. URL Uniform Resource Locator) единообразный локатор (определитель местонахождения) ресурса. По‐английски «URL» целиком произносится как /ɜː(ɹ)l/, по‐русски чаще говорят [у эр эл], [ю эр эл] или [урла] (сленг).… … Википедия
uniform resource locator — universalusis adresas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Unifikuotas ↑ interneto ištekliaus adresas. Pavyzdys: http://aldona.mii.lt/pms/elpa/z.html. Universalųjį adresą sudaro šios dalys: 1) prefiksas (pvz., http://), nurodantis tinkle… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Uniform\ Resource\ Locator — Die Adresse einer Webseite, so wie im Adreßfenster des Browsers angegeben. Der Uniform Resource Locator (URL) gliedert sich in Protokoll + Domain, z.B. http://www.reitbauer.at. Wird direkt auf einen Unterordner oder gezielt auf eine spezielle… … Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Lexikon
uniform resource locator — universal resource locator; URL An address for a specific resource on the Internet. The URL always starts with the protocol for data transfer (http for web pages and ftp for file transfer protocol). A web page has a URL of the form web site: http … Big dictionary of business and management
uniform resource locator — noun the address of a web page on the world wide web • Syn: ↑URL, ↑universal resource locator • Hypernyms: ↑address, ↑computer address, ↑reference … Useful english dictionary
Uniform Resource Locator — Abbreviated URL. An address for a resource on the Internet. URLs are used as a linking mechanism between Web pages and as a method for Web browsers to access Web pages. A URL specifies the protocol to be used to access the resource (such … Dictionary of networking