- porchetta
A savory and moist boneless pork roast, part of Italian cuisine
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Porchetta — Découpe d une porchetta Autre nom porchetto en Sardaigne Lieu d origine Italie … Wikipédia en Français
Porchetta — /por ket:a/ is a savory, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. The body of the pig is gutted, boned, arranged carefully with layers of stuffing, meat, fat, and skin, then rolled, spitted, and roasted, traditionally… … Wikipedia
porchetta — /pör ket ə/ noun 1. Sesoned, boneless roast pork cut from a whole roast pig 2. Roast suckling pig ORIGIN: Ital, from porco pig … Useful english dictionary
porchetta — por·chét·ta s.f. 1. CO maialino da latte o maiale adulto disossato, svuotato delle interiora e strettamente legato, cucinato intero allo spiedo o nel forno, insaporito con sale, pepe, rosmarino, aglio e altri aromi 2. RE abruzz., nome comunemente … Dizionario italiano
Porchetta di Ariccia — est le nom d une denrée alimentaire à base de porc rôti aux épices préparée traditionnellement dans la commune d Ariccia dans le Latium. Logo de la dénomination Depuis le 14 juin 2011, elle est reconnue par le label de qualité… … Wikipédia en Français
Porchetta (family name) — In Italy and North America, Porchetta has garnered some attention as a last name. In Italy, the largest Porchetta family hails from the southern province of Campobasso. Immigration brought the Porchetta name to North America in the early to mid… … Wikipedia
porchetta — {{hw}}{{porchetta}}{{/hw}}s. f. Maialino cotto intero al forno o allo spiedo con ripieno di lardo, erbe aromatiche e droghe … Enciclopedia di italiano
porchetta — pl.f. porchette … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
porchetta — n.f. Cochon de lait farci, spécialité italienne … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
La Porchetta — (Lah Pork etta) is a restaurant franchise in Australia and New Zealand that has become one of the most successful Italian restaurants in those countries. It was established in 1985 by Rocco Pantaleo and Felice Nania who bought a run down pizza… … Wikipedia