
1. noun /bɔədə,bɔːdə,bɔrdər/
a) The outer edge of something.

a solid 1px border around a table

b) A decorative strip around the edge of something.
2. verb /bɔədə,bɔːdə,bɔrdər/
a) To put a border on something.
b) To lie on, or adjacent to a border.

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  • border — [ bɔrde ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1170; de bord 1 ♦ S étendre le long du bord, occuper le bord de (qqch.). Un fossé borde la route. ⇒ longer. « Des ormeaux qui bordent le chemin » (A. Chénier). Route bordée d arbres. Des yeux bordés de khôl …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • border — BORDER. v. a. Garnir l extrémité de quelque chose, comme d une jupe, d un manteau, etc. en y cousant un ruban, un galon, un morceau d étoffe, etc. Border un manteau, le border d hermine. Border un chapeau d un galon d or. f♛/b] Il se dit aussi De …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Border — Bor der, n. [OE. bordure, F. bordure, fr. border to border, fr. bord a border; of German origin; cf. MHG. borte border, trimming, G. borte trimming, ribbon; akin to E. board in sense 8. See {Board}, n., and cf. {Bordure}.] 1. The outer part or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • border — [bôr′dər] n. [ME & OFr bordure < border, to border < Frank * bord, margin: see BOARD] 1. an edge or a part near an edge; margin; side 2. a dividing line between two countries, states, etc. or the land along it; frontier 3. a narrow strip,… …   English World dictionary

  • Border — steht für: Border (Film), 1997, indischer Spielfilms von Jyoti Prakash Dutta Ortschaften Border (Idaho) Border (Minnesota) Border (Wyoming) Border ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Allan Border (* 1955), australischer Cricketspieler …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Border — Bor der, v. t. 1. To make a border for; to furnish with a border, as for ornament; as, to border a garment or a garden. [1913 Webster] 2. To be, or to have, contiguous to; to touch, or be touched, as by a border; to be, or to have, near the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • border — n Border, margin, verge, edge, rim, brim, brink mean the line or relatively narrow space which marks the limit or outermost bound of something. A border is the part of a surface which is just within its boundary line {the border of a rug} or it… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • border — [n1] outermost edge, margin bound, boundary, bounds, brim, brink, circumference, confine, end, extremity, fringe, hem, limit, line, lip, outskirt, perimeter, periphery, rim, selvage, skirt, trim, trimming, verge; concepts 484,827 Ant. center,… …   New thesaurus

  • border — et couvrir le bord, Praetexere. Border d argent quelque vaisseau, Circumcludere vas argento ab labris. Border de pierres, Lapidibus statuminare …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • border — ► NOUN 1) a boundary between two countries or other areas. 2) a decorative band around the edge of something. 3) a strip of ground along the edge of a lawn for planting flowers or shrubs. ► VERB 1) form a border around or along. 2) (of a country… …   English terms dictionary

  • border — I noun ambit, borderland, boundary, bounds, brim, brink, circumference, circumjacence, confine, contiguity, edge, edging, end, enframement, extremity, flange, frame, fringe, frontier, hem, ledge, limit, line of demarcation, marge, margin, outline …   Law dictionary

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